[hider= Emerin Hyland] [center][h1][color=Green]Emerin Hyland[/color][/h1] [img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M08930edecb8adbbe2e4f10b8d7fd9c40H1&w=115&h=149&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.1[/img] [color=Green][sub]I am surrounded with Heretics, Traitors and Idiots.[/sub][/color][/center] [color=Green] Name: [indent]Lord Emerin the skymaker[/indent][/color] [color=Green]Age: [indent]36[/indent][/color] [color=Green]Gender: [indent]Male[/indent][/color] [color=Green] Sexuality: [indent]Bisexual[/indent][/color] [color=Green] Origins: [indent]Emerin was the second born child in the Hyland line so while his brother produced trueborn heirs and inherited the castle, Emerin was off producing Bastards (hence his name) and exploring the world, thus he is well versed in many cultures. [/indent][/color] [color=Green] Residence: [indent]Hyland Keep [/indent][/color] [center][img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M7197abcc2192d0e2591095641f9710c5o0&pid=15.1[/img] Emerin's sword Heartbreaker[/center] [center][color=green]Positive Trait: Intelligent Negative Trait: Impatient Positive Trait: quick-witted Negative Trait: Selfish [/color][/center] [color=Green] Personality: [indent]Being born second impacted Emerin very much he wasn't shackled by lordship so he is more fun loving and isn't very strict however he is very impatient, he doesn't like people he deems to be stupid. He is often sarcastic towards... well everyone, his tongue is as sharp as his sword and faster than his horse. However he is a still a Hyland and is very protective of his family including his bastards. Emerin believes that while hard work is essential, Cunning, Lying and intelligence are as important. [/indent][/color] [color=Green] Role & Career: [indent]Adviser[/indent][/color] [color=Green] Hobbies & Interests: [indent]Horse-riding Sparring Reading Poem writing Solving puzzles[/indent][/color] [color=green] Likes & Dislikes: [indent]Likes: Reading Smart people Feasts Love making Dislikes: Stupid people People who try to lie and fail Spiders Waking up early [/indent][/color] [color=Green] Other: [indent]nothing really[/indent][/color] [center][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M9cbb796b389a4e0f3f2f68ffad58451ao1&w=200&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0[/img][/center] [color=green] Family Members: [indent] Julia Hyland - Sister in law Lady Emmaline Hyland - Niece Lord Edwin Hyland - Nephew Lord Balian Hyland- Nephew Lord Trystan Hyland - Nephew Lady Juliana Hyland- Niece Tiras Sky - Nephew Maria Sky - Niece Several Bastards [/indent][/color] [color=Green] Biography: [indent]Life has been easy for Emerin, he never had to worry about being a Lord, so while his brother trained with swords most of the time he was mainly readying and learning how to rule in his brothers absence, Emerin was born near the end of winter and so was a summer child. after living in his brothers shadow he found himself traveling the world, sleeping with any woman or man who would take his intrest and so has sired many bastard children though he would always leave their mothers a large sum of gold. Emerin has spent a large majority of his life at court this means he has many connections. Emerin doesn't know what the future holds for House Hyland but he trusts his Nieces and nephews entirely [/indent][/color] [/hider]