Despite the threat that lay in wait for the group on the shore, Rhasha'Dar was just happy to have hit dry land. He couldn't fight against the water, but a group of Dunmer? They could bleed and die - hence, he still felt some modicum of relief. However, things were still looking on the negative side - a strange group was attacking them, and [i]The Courtesan[/i] was too far to lend them any aid. The Khajiit simply hoped that the ship made it to the shore safely, and that his potions had come in handy. For if the ship failed, the poor souls on board would have to abandon it... and he did not envy them for the cold waters that would await them. As the Armigers - Rhasha had never heard of the group, but then again, his caravan had never spent time in Morrowind. Clearly they were a force to be feared, if Trius' expression was anything to judge by - descended on the boat, Rhasha'Dar glanced at the unarmed and unarmoured R'ihanna behind him, still sat in the boat - an injured Solveig lay in cover on the other side of the dinghy. "Take this - a weapon is better than none. Just... try not to hit any of us with it." Rhasha said briefly, shoving the Dawnguard crossbow and its bolts towards R'ihanna. He had no skill with bows, but if the female Khajiit could provide some cover for those fighting - or even protect those who could not - it would not be a wasted effort. Looking at Solveig, Rhasha pulled his spear from his back. "As for you, don't die. This one will heal you after the fray, and it is hard to do so with a corpse." Said with what he hoped looked like a reassuring smile, the Khajiit tensed his arm and flung his spear at the furthest archer; the Dunmer's next arrow fell short as the spear slammed into his shoulder, knocking him the ground and pinning him there. Leaping from the boat with a war-axe in each hand, Rhasha let loose his own roar, fangs bared and eyes narrowed as he turned to another of the Armiger's. The Dunmer wielded two shortswords, considerably lighter and quicker than Rhasha's elven axes. While he was more skilled with his spear, it likely wouldn't do much good in close quarters like this, not when the weak spots in the hard bonemold armour they were wearing was so hard to find. The two parried and slashed for a few moments, neither landing more than superficial cuts on the other until the Dunmer struck out with his foot, hooking behind Rhasha's leg and bringing him to the floor. The Khajiit's own leg lashed out, slamming into the Armiger's arm and sending one of his swords flying. The other was brought down towards his chest, but was easily deflected and thrown aside by Rhasha's axe. Booting both legs into the Dunmer's chest and bringing his foe to the ground, Rhasha got to his feet, slamming his axe with a yell into the chest of the Armiger as the latter scrambled for his dagger at his side. The sheer brute strength of the swing blistered the armour, but did not gain enough momentum for the attack to have been fatal. No doubt the cut on the mans chest would cause a good amount of pain, but it hadn't been the sternum Rhasha had hoped to break. Pulling the axe with a grunt of exertion, it came from the armour after a few tugs - he then smacked the Dunmer with the blunted edge, knocking him unconscious as the Khajiit moved on to his next foe.