Kraytan stopped in his tracks as another Jedi came running after him. He allowed him to catch up, but made sure to keep his guard up, who knows where more clones were going to pop out of. The Temple shook slightly again, no doubt another run by starfighters over head. "Hurry up, I have been given direct orders by the Temple Guard Master. The Temple has fallen, I am to round up all survivors I can and ensure their escape. I must survey the Training Halls for any padawans or imitates. They need the most protection." Kraytan said as his communicator beeped. He activated it and put it on speaker for the fellow jedi to hear. "This is a message to all surviving Temple Guards, be on the look out for a dark figure. The dark side surrounds him, I believe him to be the Sith responsible for this attack. Others report he was also responsible for the massacre of a group of younglings. Several Guards have engaged him and have been terminated. As Temple Guards I have instilled all of you with the greatest courage and to never fear any opponent, but I order all Guards to avoid the Sith at all costs, however if you do so, let it be as a sacrifice so others may live. May the Force be with you all on this dark night." Kraytan deactivated the communicator and placed it back in his pocket. He began to head to the Training Halls again Lightsaber Pike in hand. "Come, we shall round up any survivors in the Training Halls and I shall escort you to safety." Kraytan said to his fellow Jedi. He didn't doubt the face that the man couldn't protect himself, but Temple Guards were highly trained in defensive lightsaber forms and to protect others.