Taking pride in your sexuality as the sole factor of your existence is dumb. I can go much more into detail on this and why I think it's remarkably stupid (I have countered Rica's points before but we got shut down before I ever got a reply) to take pride in your sexuality as if it somehow is [i]the[/i] single deciding factor of who you are. You're more than gay. Lessening yourself to nothing more than gay or whatever the fuck the Tumblrites are calling it now is not only insulting to yourself, but also insulting to me for making me waste my time looking at sexuality where I don't want to see it (namely public space). If I wanna see girls/guys dancing around half naked celebrating their gayness, I'd go to pornhub and look up the gay porn. But I don't want that, both because I am not gay and because I don't particularly care for other peoples sexualities.