[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://sweatpantsandcoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/6-Z-Nation-Season-Two-Episode-Ten-S2E10-Grand-Canyon-Addy-Vasquez-Anastasia-Baranova-Matt-Cedeno.jpg[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] With the diversion team.[/center][hr] Being her usual, stoic faced and silent self. Bryn listened as this James fellow began to get a little anxious and looked like he was about to take off as soon as he was given the go ahead. She wondered, besides the horde incoming, what he was so anxious to get moving for and then she found out. Meat. Food. Fresh? That couldn't be right. Bryn raised a questioning brow and opened her mouth as if to ask a question before thinking better of it. She shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to Zoie who was now speaking. Fair. The plan was pretty loose but also seemed rather foolproof. Besides being a moving target and distraction for the Snarlers, she wasn't sure exactly how she could help with the catapult but she'd move as directed and take it from there. She started Grace up and revved the engine gently as James began to shift the truck into gear. They were making their way out to make a show for the oncoming unwanted guests. Well this was definitely one way to get herself into the good books of the bastards that ran this place. Risking your life in front of a horde on a rather exposed motorcycle? Definitely merited her getting to keep her weapons in her possession at all times, that was for fucking sure. Bryn figured that they didn't need her verbal approval to get things underway and she was ready to head off and do what she was bidden. At least for now. She wanted to avoid being trampled and torn by the vast amount of former American residents that were shuffling their way towards them.[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Dr. Victor Bonheur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3b/e1/33/3be1334492806e74f07a1feab2538861.jpg[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Infirmary[/center][hr] As he walked away to the fridge to grab a bag of blood to transfuse into his newest patient, Victor listened to the Viking woman's answers and nodded along as she spoke. [color=khaki]"Very good, very good."[/color] He busied himself with warming the bag of blood as he then listened to the little redheaded woman ranting [i]yet again[/i] at him. Even if her tone was calmer and softer, he knew very well that she was most unhappy beneath the surface. The apocalypse may have changed a lot of things, but not human nature. If anything, it brought out the worst parts of human nature even more. After she was done talking, Victor gave her a deadpan stare and felt the temperature of the blood bag as he considered his words. [color=khaki]"If you are quite done, I believe I told you to stay out of my way until called for. Now correct me if I am wrong, but you are still in my way. I do not care who or what you are, if you are not trained in Orthotics then you can take a seat and I will call you when I need you. I do not plan to let this girl die today. Now shoo."[/color] Victor was firm with his words, the kindness was there as it was natural for him but he had dealt with enough shit today and was taking no more. It had been a stressful day and things didn't appear to be getting any less tense. The last thing he needed was someone demanding things of him, whether she admitted they were a demand or not, Victor was all too aware of what her words were. The bag of blood was now warm and Victor set the transfusion up so that his new patient would replace what blood she had lost. [color=khaki]"And do not kid yourself, jeune femme. No one truly cares if anyone lives or dies in this world. Not unless they are family."[/color] [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=tomato]Richard Johnson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/730e8290a0acae957c5362260afb66ab/tumblr_ncj4pxGwV41teha8do1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Infirmary >> Outside the courthouse[/center][hr] Richard had smirked at the viking woman's words and felt his shoulders shaking slightly with the amusement. It was soon cut short however as Victor's words came out of no where and caused Richard to turn around and look over to the doctor with a look of concern on his face. He may have only known the man since this morning but it was clear that Richard did not think that this was regular behaviour for the Doctor to be portraying. Frowning, Richard motioned over one of the other men guarding the front door of the Infirmary and had him switch places with him, having him guarding their prisoner. Richard wheeled himself over towards Victor whilst keeping space away from him as he worked. Richard motioned the young red haired woman towards himself and spoke softly to her. [color=tomato]"Listen sweetheart, best be sittin' down until our Doc calms his shit, yeah? Ain't worth the fight. He'll see yer buddy is okay."[/color] He moved himself out of the way to let the woman by and he looked up at Victor, trying to get his attention. He was being ignored. [color=tomato]"Fine then Doc, have it yer own stubborn ass way."[/color] Richard began to wheel himself back over to his spot when he heard the the viking woman saying her farewells and she mentioned a "Country Chick" and Richard knew exactly who she was talking about. Only Zoie would try something so fucking dangerous and crazy. It hurt him, but he pushed himself up and out of his wheelchair and began to walk towards the door of the infirmary, his weapons on his belt and his shotgun in his hand. Victor looked up at this point and scowled at Richard. He would have probably chased after him if he wasn't dealing with the future Mrs. Hook. Richard shuffled his way out of the infirmary and grabbed a spare body, a young woman with black hair, to guard the door of the infirmary with the older gent that was currently doing so. [color=tomato]"Oi! Some fucker gonna open this damn door for a cripple?!"[/color] The young woman that had been tasked with guarding the door ran forward and held it open for him. He grunted his thanks to her and slipped outside, the door closing behind him. He stumbled his way down the stairs and looked around for Zoie. He spotted a wagon pulled by a horse and that there were two viking women, not just one. Great. More women, exactly what this place needed. It had been pretty sausage heavy before but now it was starting to turn into a right taco party. He ignored the argument that was clearly ongoing and instead shuffled around looking for Zoie and calling out his name for her. [color=tomato]"Daisy Duke! Get your fine fuckin' ass here 'fore I lose my shit!"[/color][hr]