[quote=@Keksalot] >about the characters themselves rather than their powers Not to say that it's a bad thing but i've always imagined that with superhumans, their powers often define and shape their characters and personalities to a great degree. [/quote] That is correct, but you missed my point. What I'm saying is that it's about developing the characters, and their story, opposed to, you know, just fighting and wanking about who's the strongest. That's why I gave my characters an actual story, rather than just coming up with a cookie cutter personality and just focus on power. lol [quote=@Keksalot] >The NPCs are just going to be side characters/villains to help advance the PCs. In that case could you perhaps help me understand this whole thing better by explaining (if it's not a spoiler) the weaknesses of Jade West, Mannequin, Bison, Toro and Phoenix, the guys who, at least from my point of view, seem to posess powers on a level quite different from the PC's? I think i can guess that Jade's primary weakness is that she refuses to use most of her powers, but that does not really relate to the power itself. [/quote] Does it really matter? Three of those characters are in a prison cell, the other will only be a convenient way to heal some characters (And explore a certain story), and the other probably isn't going to participate much (If not at all, unless I really need to fill out a scene with some RAVENs - which I didn't have to do). But, they do have weaknesses, I just don't see the point of adding them since they're most likely not going to come into play, [i]or[/i] they're something that's going to be explored on the IC. But, if you [i]really[/i] want some weaknesses for them, sure, I'll definitely give them to you.