[@Buddha]That's not what it is. You can keep ignoring the point of sometimes being openly gay in and of itself is a accomplishment because you don't live in a area where it's even mildly acceptable all you like but it still happens. I got lucky. Very lucky. I know this. I know I'm privileged to have a family that doesn't care and loves me and was essentially just waiting for me to work it out on my own. But that's just it. I'm [I]lucky[/I] and I still deal with a lot of issues from others and society due to being queer. That's not even touching on my best friend who's mother denies he's transgendered. Or his partner who's mom is fine with anyone else being queer but them. So can you kindly stop ignoring the idea that we're celebrating a life we're leading that has been full of suffering but we're still here. Because not all of us makes it that far. Especially seeing as the amount of abuse and bullying we can suffer (not always but can) makes us far more likely to commit suicide in our youth. Not to mention we're more likely to be killed. Or how bisexual people are more likely to suffer from domestic abuse. I could keep going. Hell I can even provide the numbers if you'd like. We have everything to be proud of. We as a community suffered so much and we fought and we came out stronger. That's worth celebrating.