Evvie almost made a fist bump celebratory pose when all of a sudden his skeleton somehow managed to re-attach itself to his severed head, cutting her short. She was more surprised then disturbed, as she had fought many skeletons in her days. They just didn't have such a trick up their non existent sleeves as he did. Taking him out was beginning to turn into a huge pain, and she was still coughing enough to disrupt her fire breath. She couldn't even give him a funeral by cremation in her current state and he seemed to not mind her physical attacks very much, unless she just had to hit harder? Hitting harder usually solved most of her problems, after all. The skeleton sent another one of those mysterious fogs at her so she quickly dodged to the right, running in a small circle to get around to his backside. She then tried to punch his face in yet again, hoping that it would eventually do the trick.