[center][h1][color=00aeef]M[/color]arco [color=00aeef]M[/color]axell[/h1][/center] [hr] Marco blinked rapidly at the sight of the woman as she spoke with him quickly, unable to do much more than that. As sudden was a breeze she appeared and turned his world upside down. [color=00aeef]"A god in the flesh"[/color], he thought aloud in a small whisper escaped his lips. The reality of the situation crashed around him. His father would never believe him if he was still alive. [color=00aeef]"I doubt that even Master Az'Cer has seen one of the Divine alive, but then again I am just a simple boy with fancy tricks and I lack the depth of mind that my Master has."[/color] He had wanted to speak, as she spoke to him, but found himself just gasping like a fool. She was beautiful to the boy, yet terrifying. He could feel the weight of her being surrounding him, suffocating him, and it scared him honestly. No being, mortal or Divine, should be able to command such power. It brought a tear to his eye, even though he was certain that he wasn't sad or upset. The boy wasn't able to properly process what he was witnessing, a Goddess among men. He fought to find his voice, to respond with her and carry on a proper greeting. And just as quickly as the feeling came, it was gone. He let out a sigh and allowed his shoulders to slump as the Divine wandering over to others with the same cheerful poise. He shook his head and moved a bit off to the side to collect himself. [i][color=00aeef]'She... it...,'[/color][/i] his thought came back in a rush, [i][color=00aeef]'She believes in me.'[/color][/i] A smile came to his face, warmth beyond compare blossomed in his chest. [i][color=00aeef]'She believes and she shows care for my well being, just like mum used too...'[/color][/i] He had questioned that buzzed in his head, questions that burned to be answered, but he would have to wait. Others flocked to the Divine with questions of their own and he did not wish to interrupt them. To say that the young boy was surprised by this sudden appearance was an understatement. He was sure that it went for everyone, though he couldn't say for sure how to handle the situation. Had he not witnessed the tear that she hung out of, he would find it hard to believe. [i][color=00aeef]'A goddess, in the flesh stumbles upon us... I am not certain if this is a good omen or an ill one.'[/color][/i] He didn't dwell on it long however, as other individuals made way to speak to the Divine. He was about to speak, ask Lady Ambrosia about the origin of blood magic, but he saw another he was hoping to speak to first. Marco wasn't sure of how long the Divine would be with them, so he decided to make it quick. [color=00aeef]"Drosil,"[/color] he began as the older mage walked away from his conversation with the Lady of the Abyss, [color=00aeef]"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a few question of my own, if you aren't too terribly busy with that Arcane Matrix."[/color] Marco had seen the device before, though never this close up. He had read about the properties of it in the text left behind by Master Az'Cer. However, viewing on up close was far more interesting. Drosil didn't seem to notice the boy at first, so engrossed he was in what he was doing. With a frustrated look on his face, he kept trying to impose his control spell upon the creature, only to find his attempts rebuffed time and time again. The problem was simple, he lacked the strength of will to make this beast submit, but this only made him angrier as he pushed harder and harder with his mind. As he did so, he felt a slight shiver crawl up his spine, followed by the slightest sliver of purple energy flowing into the Matrix. Suddenly, the control spell seemed to have some effect on the beast, but Drosil's frustration seemed to only grow, for he soon, released his hold on the magical energy, letting the matrix fade away into nothingness. Letting out a grumbling curse in some whispered language of old, Drosil took a moment to calm himself, only to finally take notice of the boy who had approached him. [color=gold]"Oh, uh, Marco was it?"[/color] Drosil began, clearing his throat as he tried to recollect what the boy had said to him. Something about answers and questions, if he recalled correctly, so it was likely the boy wanted to ask him something. [color=gold]"You've some questions for me, right? I certainly wouldn't mind seeing what I could answer, though I would think a budding mage such as yourself would jump at the chance to speak to one of the Divines. It is, after all, a once in a lifetime opportunity for most."[/color] Marco had glanced over at the Divine again as Drosil voiced his opinion. See Marco would have jumped at the opportunity to speak with the Divine, had she not intimidated him to such an extent. He was nervous about a goddess just suddenly appearing before them, but then again he was nervous about a lot since the evening at the Castle. He could still feel the dread wash over him at seeing those creatures of death and darkness. [color=00aeef]"Yes, I do have a few questions for her, but I have one that maybe you can answer for me."[/color] He cleared his throat and swallowed his nerves as he reached for the hilt of the blood stained dagger. He held it out for Drosil to see, laid bare on the oiled cloth. [color=00aeef]"This blade is stained with my blood, it seems to react to my magic whenever I channel it. what I was wondering is if you knew anything about this phenomenal occurrence?" [/color] Perhaps speaking with Sir Sampson had given him confidence to trust others with the subject. Despite not knowing much of the magical art, Sir Sampson was not bothered by the blade. If the Sentinel was willing to offer him aid, why wouldn't the others be as well? [color=gold]"Hmm. . . How intriguing, to say the least, though not as strange as one might think. Blood is often associated with the binding of objects and magics to certain individuals, and shares a deep connection with the most powerful of magics, though it also holds an equally strong tie with that of Taboo magics that requiring gruesome deeds to be accomplished, such as human sacrifice and what not."[/color] Drosil was quick to pluck the dagger from the boy's hands, giving it a few look overs before summoning another Spell matrix around the object, his eyes taking on a bright luminescence as he examined the magic that may be attached to the bloodied weapon, his gaze attempting to strip from it of any and all secrets it may hold. As he did so, he continued his conversation with Marco, hoping the young mage could give him some more details about the dagger. [color=gold]"How, exactly, did this dagger get coated in your blood, and what do you mean specifically when you say it 'reacts' when you channel magic? Please be as detailed as you possibly can about this, so I can better understand what may be causing this binding between you and the weapon, as well as ways you could possibly turn it to your benefit."[/color] Marco nodded a bit and moved his hand up to his wound out of habit as the memories of that night came back to mind. Even in his heightened state, he felt the sensation of his flesh parting easily before the dagger's point. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before speaking to his colleague. [color=00aeef]"What I mean is,"[/color] he began as he let the breath out, "[color=00aeef]this dagger was used to assault me during the raid on the castle a few nights ago."[/color] He lowered his hand and focused his magical talent. His personal rune spread over the back of his hand and through to his palm, the dagger began to vibrate slightly, lifting off the cloth. The same rune appeared on the flat side of the blade before spreading along the length. [color=00aeef]"And that is what I mean, the blood upon the blade's surface is my own. It would appear as if it still reacts to me, maybe even as an extension of my own magical talent."[/color] [color=gold]"How odd. . .,"[/color] Drosil said with a slight frown on his face, shifting the spell matrix as he studied the connection between the blade and the boy, muttering a few things under his breath. Something about 'fluctuations in the energy field' and 'improper bonding of arcane channels'. He'd go over the whole thing a few more times, assuring his inspections, as well as having Marco channel magic energy a few more times before he finally released the spell matrix, letting out a light sigh before looking up at Marco. [color=gold]"Well, definitely Blood Magic, though it's of a more acceptable sort. You must have lose control of your magic when attack or something like that and accidentally bonded yourself to the blade. From what I can tell, you should be able to learn how to possible wiled it telepathically with practice just by channeling energy through it. A very useful little ability, I must say, though I suggest you reinforce the connection yourself through some more mundane methods."[/color] As Drosil spoke, his voice went from observational and objective, to very serious as he turned his gold and green eyes towards the young apprentice, having noticed the taint of Blood Magic in his investigations. [color=gold]"While Blood magic offers much more expedient ways to gain power and cast spells, it's a path fraught with dark temptation and wicked compulsions. If you must use it, I suggest you wait until you've completed your studies and reached the level of an Adept, at the very least. None of the 'Dark Magics, as they are called, should ever be taken lightly, no matter how confident you are in your skills. Too many fools, both young and old, make this mistake, and most do not get the chance to regret and learn from it."[/color] While no magic was inherently bad in his eyes, he knew that Blood Magic was a steep slope to darker magics that can easily corrupted even the strongest of wills, not to mention that in order to progress in such a study, sacrifices were usually needed. With a sigh, he dropped the serious face, entering a light banter with the boy as he rose up from where he was kneeling, stretching his legs to regain the feeling in them. [color=gold]"If you understand this, then I'd be more than willing to assist you in strengthening the connection between this blade and yourself and helping you figure out how to control it. We should probably get Diane to over see this, however, lest we end up injuring ourselves in the process."[/color] Marco could only nod as the gravity of what he had heard weighed in. 'He speaks from experience, from grief,' the boy thought as he matched eyes with the other mage. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, Drosil, for your council and your concern,"[/color] he said with proper manners and a short bow. Marco glanced over towards the Goddess, speaking once again with the Prince. [color=00aeef]"I think... I will take up that opportunity now. Thank you again, we will speak again once we reach our destination."[/color] Many questions were asked as Marco waited patiently, and it seemed that each person who chose to ask something of the Divine had a different way of asking it. Soon enough though, especially thanks to Vesta's question, it seemed to be time for the meeting to come to an end. The Prince had taken a moment to recover after Vesta's failed challenge against Ambrosia, and had apparently hidden just what he was thinking behind a veil focused on the task at hand. Sending his horse forward slightly, he once again approached the Divine. [b]"Thank you, Lady Ambrosia, for blessing us with your presence. With your permission though, we'd like to continue on so that we might reach Lady Renata's soon."[/b] The Divine gave a happy little wave with her hand, and a nod as well. [b]"Of course, Prince, I understand! Do enjoy your trip, and I'm sure I'll see you all again soon! Ta ta!"[/b] Giving a nod in response to her reply, the Prince gave another flick of the reins, once more beginning to lead the group past the Divine and to the east. As the others rode off after the Prince, the young mage trailed behind. His own mare, a small pony befitting his own size, grazed close by. It was simply the boy and the goddess left. Swallowing his fears and willing himself forward he approached the Divine. [color=00aeef]"Excuse me, Madame Ambrosia, if you would allow me but a simple question."[/color] He made sure to mind his manners, it would not do well to anger a being whom could destroy him without much thought. [color=00aeef]"I am a simple boy, grown by a man and his wife. We were farmers, though my talent was not present then. After witnessing my fathers demise I grew worried for my mother. I was wondering if you knew how she fared and if you could pass a message along to her about my story."[/color] Ambrosia looked down to him with a smile, and it was a very soft and caring smile. Slowly she floated down to his level, and her hands reached forwards from the edges of the tear to take a hold of his, gently holding them. Bowing her head briefly, she quietly said, [b]"Your mother rests now, my dear. I'm sorry I must be the one to tell you this. She went quietly, though; she did not suffer. She would be so proud of you, as I am, and as Kori is too."[/b] The news did not shock him, his mothers was always a sickly woman. Where anyone else would have felt sad, Marco felt empty. He nodded as the answered crashed around him like the waves crashed against the shack he lost his father to. His life was a series of storms, any peace was just the eye stared down at him from the skies above. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, Madame,"[/color] he said after a brief silence, his head bowing low to hide any tears that may have come. [color=00aeef]"It is good to know that she did not suffer. I shall not disappoint you, nor Queen Kori, if I can help it."[/color] He looked her in the eye, a passionate fire a lit. She would have felt a surge of energy come from him, like a brief explosion. He let go of her hands and gathered the reins of his pony. [color=00aeef]"Good day to you, Madame Ambrosia. May we ever be in your faith."[/color] Once more the Divine beamed, pulling away from the young mage and giving him a nod. [b]"Of course, my dear! Travel safely, now!"[/b]