[@Pineappletumble][@Alisdragon911] Zyrid gave a humble nod to the abnormally large creature with fey appearance, admiring the twinkle of its wings and the small accumulation of saliva (or its equivalent) dripping from the things mouth as it drunkenly slurred some vowels from its largely uncontrolled lips. He would take great pleasure in experiencing the merriment of a race he had not yet encountered, rather, in a physical sense. For of course, over Zyrids many years of reading, he had come across countless novels and the odd brochure that detailed the fey and similar fairy-like creatures. However he did recall that the alchol section and its effects on their anatomy was particularly lacking. Perhaps Zyrid would make notes as he sat with this one, but for now he waited, for he still needed an ingredient from this tavern, be it via the barmaid or the owner... [i]Himself[/i]. Zyrid felt a sense of masculinity to the energy and being sat alone, an emptiness was present also as they sat there alone, strangely absorbant of the surface buzz around them. Zyrid waited patiently, as was his way.