It was a new day but it was all the same to Nortooga. No matter what that day represented or the festivities held during that day. In the end it was just a time counter to their certain end that most of the time people masked with celebrations. And everyday he woke up he thought about his end, that he should have died there with them. Well that's one way to start the day. As he got ready getting dressed, wrapping one white piece of cloth to cover his neck and right arm and the other covering his left arm, he proceeded to check his weapon for any broken bones. The weapon being a deadly snake-like creature's vertebrae it was prone to wearing out one day leading to the whole weapon breaking into pieces. Now ready to start the day with weapon in hand he got out to feel the warmth of the first sun rays of daylight. Most were getting ready for the morning hunt as the women of the tribe painted on the hunter's bodies with different patterns but all were the same theme. His turn came and the girl started marking him with the usual painting theme while singing the ritualistic song. As she came to paint his face Nortooga closed his amber eye not from fear of paint, he feared that she would deviate from the usual draw pattern and use shapes and symbols that adorned the WALINKOI's body and feathers as this eye had a direct connection to the beast who was a known mesmerizer and hypnotizer. This fear wasn't only based on speculations as it had happened once before during his first hunt on the last day of a cycle. The girl finally finished painting the left side of his face and Nortooga went to join the rest of his hunting group.