[center][h1][color=ed1c24]William sky[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/6f1bb8dd63a1c4f162ccc7aad9e21b16/tumblr_nony2mh8j91uw7bbjo1_1280.jpg [/img] [color=ed1c24][sub]Forbidden but not forgotten [/sub][/color][/center] [color=ed1c24]◾ [/color]Name: William Sky [color=ed1c24]◾[/color]Age:30 [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Gender: Male (duh) [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Sexuality: straight [color=ed1c24]◾ [/color]Origins: First bastard son born to the family of hyland. [color=ed1c24]◾[/color]Residence: Mount Promonon at court [center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111136241/4930930-9613810818-Darke.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=ed1c24]◾[/color] magically strong [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] cocky [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] intelligent [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Resentful [color=ed1c24]◾[/color][/center] [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Personality: Being the first bastard son of the lord of Hyland William has always tried to become more than he is. Though being a bastard does give some limitations. He acts like a kind and honorable man. But in reality he is rather manipulative. And even though he avoids getting his hands dirty. He will put the gloves off if need be. There is no one he really loves. And cares more about himself than others. He views those around him as an asset and never as a true ally. He is also a book reader trying to learn as much about magic and magical abilities for his own gains. [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Role & Career: Magical adviser [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Hobbies & Interests: Reading Magic Exploring old ruins for artifacts. Hunting hawking [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Likes & Dislikes: likes: Strategy Politics Magic wine chess Dislikes: Being outsmarted The hate against magic users. Bastards being viewed as lesser men and women. Fighting drinking [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Other: magic: Magic is virtually everywhere. it is a force that has existed since the beginning of time. Some races where able to use it. Being able to destroy entire cities. Magic like that will never be used by a human being. For some reason humans cannot wield magic. And those few that had some form of ability are usually killed off. Mostly because of the bad view about magic and that it has been declared heretical in nature. But those lucky enough to not be hanged because of there magical abilities and to be able to learn more about magic would find it a hard task to actually wield it. A magic wielder must have at least two things. A strong mind that can handle the pressure of magic, And artifacts of old. These artifacts are usually rings staffs and other kind of jewelry. These artifacts are like conduits which through magic can be used. Rings are the most easy to find artifacts. But they can only grant access to one form of magic. Like fire magic. staffs are the most hard to find. But if a mage would acquire one he would be able to wield more than one form of magic. Without these artifacts a mage would barely be able to use magic at all. ( made this for gm to explain how i would use magic.) [center][.hr][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v28/greeneyesparklex/12dec21-2009.jpg[/img][.hr][/center] [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Family Members: ◾ Lord Edwin Hyland ◾ Lady Juliana Hyland ◾ Lord Balian Hyland ◾ Lord Emerin Hyland ◾ Tiras Sky ◾ Maria Sky [color=ed1c24]◾[/color] Biography: Being born a bastard never was easy for me. Being born the first son of the lord of Hyland was even worse. Where it not for my mother i would have been drowned in a well. And my corpse would have been fed to the dogs. To this day i still do not know why she wanted me to live. Considering i wasn't even her son. But that of a random bar wench. And yet still i was viewed as a monster. Kept locked up in my room like some form of animal. The only one who gave me comfort was the queen who treated me like i was her own son. In those years locked up in my chambers i studied whatever i could get my hands on. Learning about strategy and reading stories of old. When i was finally allowed to leave my room. I was still treated like a little monster by my real father. But all of that came to pass at the age of 12 when i had enough. My father was beating me up like usual. every blow coming down harder and harder. Then i looked at him. My eyes full of fury. I still do not know how i cast my first spell. Maybe it was out of pure emotion. Or maybe it was something else. Whatever it was that fling ed the spell toward my father send him flying back into the room. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. It was the best moment of my life. to feel my first moment of power. But his fear was then replaced by even more anger. I will stop explaining how long the beating went on before the queen walked into the room and made him stop. I knew People with magical abilities where not long for this word. But because i was of royal blood i was allowed to live. Apparently the queen had been able to convince my father that it was useful to have a mage. After that i was teached myself in the ways of magic by old books and old tomes. I learned about how magic works and how to wield it. I tried to become more powerful by looking for more artifacts. It took some years but on the age of 27 i found a ring of fire in an old underground ruin. After this i started practicing with magic casting small balls of fire and other things. But over the years i have become stronger and wiser. Still searching for other ways of magic. until i will be powerful enough to become more than just some lords lackey. And the rumors of a princess needing an heir sound interesting indeed.