[@Rune_Alchemist] [@PatrickDrummer] [@Thundercrash] [@Cinderella Man] [color=aba000]"Damn, I'm more tired than I thought..."[/color] Dwight mumbled quietly to himself as he wiped his tired eyes. He was tired, achey and could smell the dust and sweat on his body. A shower was going to be needed before he crashed for the day. The group of people had been joined by a fourth person, and all of them looked so young. Shaking his head ruefully, he let his hand drop back down to his side. Everyone else seemed to be filled with energy and youth, compared to him and his tired old bones. Stifling a large yawn, the large man leaned against the doorway. [color=aba000]"Sorry 'bout that. Haven't slept a wink at all. I'm Dwight."[/color] Dwight said as he flashed his ID card on its lanyard, before addressing the flustered-looking women fiddling with the sound system. She seemed to be harassed by a red head that was trying, to whisper honeyed words to her. Emphasis on the words "tried" and "whisper" as Dwight heard every cheesy pick up line that left the redhead's painted lips. [color=aba000]"Hey miss, if there's any issue with the electrical, just call me. I was working on the generators last night, and they seem to be working smoothly."[/color] Dwight paused before continuing to address the room as a whole, "I'm going down to get breakfast, anybody want anything?"