[@Alisdragon911] Hardwick hadn't even realized that he'd been staring until the woman wiggled her ears. [i]They're real! But... That can't be... That shouldn't be possible...[/i] Suddenly, he snapped back into focus. [color=0072bc][i]'The figures!'[/i][/color] He exclaimed perhaps a little too loudly, and drew his gun cautiously on the oak door. Strangely, there was no noise of battering or howling screams coming from the other side. He approached the door nervously and reached for the handle. Carefully, he swung it open - instead of an old brick and cobble alleyway however, the door opened onto a lush, verdant forest. He quickly shut the door again. This was all too much. He needed a drink. He produced a small flask from his coat pocket and took a long swig of the whiskey inside. [color=0072bc][i]'What IS this place?'[/i][/color] He asked the pointed-ear lady.