[quote=@Buddha] [@Rica] Why do you celebrate in the way that you do? A simple google search for 'gay pride' already shows images of dudes licking phallic shaped lollipops, dudes dancing around with nothing but some shorts on and just generally things I don't want to see in public. [i]NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY.[/i] Because it's shit that I don't want to see. If I go around licking lollipops shaped like a vagina that'd be a little fucking odd don't you think? I've told you before specifically the reasons [i]why[/i] I think celebrations in public in the way that they occur are fucking stupid (mostly because they're not enforcing acceptance or encouraging unity, but rather enforce non-unity and segregation and separation.) [/quote] As vilageidiot said those are pretty common gag gifts and honestly if it's in the dead middle of what's essentially a party I really doubt people would care. [quote]I'm not sure what your point is because your words are jumbled but from what I understand you're saying that because I am European I shouldn't get to speak on what I think of gay prides? [/quote] No I'm not. I actually don't think you understand exactly what it's like to live in this world as a queer person because you, by your own words, aren't. That simple. [quote]The way to acceptance is in my opinion NOT having a gay pride, it's fitting in and showing you are just as human as the next person.[/quote] That'd be easier if we weren't killed for exposing ourselves and assumed straight unless we tell every human being we meet otherwise. [quote]At the same time transgenderism is a mental disease (that makes it sound bad, but really, it is.) Your brain feels like a woman/man when your sex is the opposite. There is a cure namely a sex change. I think that transgender people deserve all the help they can get in this process, however I want to remind you that the amount of people that commit suicide after a sex change is very high (because often the sex change isn't what they 'wanted' so to speak) so this is kinda a weird issue. [/quote] No you're right it is technically a mental illness. And honestly I think the only way to resolve the unfortunate issue of the sex change sometimes making things worse is if we were more accepting of the concept of gender presentation not needing to match gender identity. Because fuck if it's not more complicated than people like to think. The sooner we stop running with the assumption you must adhere to this, this and that traits to be a man/woman, the sooner people will be free to express themselves however they wish [i]without having to change things they might not want to change[/i]. [quote] Regardless I hope you can understand what I mean with this. Not saying that transgenders are 'ingrates' or anything. They are just mentally not well and need help to fix that.[/quote] They do it's a very unfortunate situation. [quote] Oh lord, you have a life full of suffering. Self-pity is a wonderful thing isn't it. Everyone has issues. Again, get over it. I don't see a 'depression pride' anywhere. It's fucking baffling how people think having a parade can fix anything at all. It doesn't fix anything.[/quote] It's not about fixing anything. Like I said it's a celebration. [quote] But I've seen you speak on hetero's before and your tone is generally filled with disdain (non intended, I'm sure, as you seem like a relatively nice person otherwise.) so I'd like to ask you to reconsider your stance ever so slightly to compensate for the fact that everyone has issues, not just you.[/quote] My disdain has less to do with heterosexual people but rather obtuse people who refuse to be empathetic to the point of view of someone who lives a life from a [i]very[/i] different perspective than they do because they aren't heterosexual. Unfortunately most people who can't look past the fact tend to be heterosexual. [quote] The fact of the matter [i]seems[/i] to be that men commit suicide more often, with gay men and straight men making up 3 quarters of the suicide demographic which [i]seems[/i] to infer that the main driving factor for suicide is in fact GENDER and not SEXUALITY as you'd like me to believe no?[/quote] Those numbers are also missing one key note [url=https://afsp.org/about-suicide/suicide-statistics/]If you look at the bottom at suicide attempts, while men are more likely to succeed. Women are more likely to attempt.[/url] But men tend to go for methods that are quick and efficient, like guns and hangings. So they're much less likely to be saved and taken to a hospital. The chart above the section on suicide attempts shows that firearms make up of almost half of suicides. So you're not wrong, men are more likely to kill themselves. That alone is correct. But gay youth from ages 10 to 24 [url=http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/facts-about-suicide]Are overall more likely to make an attempt on their lives or think of committing suicide which is also directly linked to events of bullying and abuse.[/url] [quote]Your first suggestion seems to infer that you're the most likely group to be killed which is actually not true. It's certainly an aggravating factor though. I like to think people that are in gangs are still more likely to be killed but what do I know. [/quote] Gang related murder and crime is it's own can of worms because it's not hate crime related. The truth of the matter is the worst 'category' to be in right now is [url=http://www.avp.org/storage/documents/ncavp_transhvfactsheet.pdf]Transwomen[/url]. They are far more likely to experience hate crimes and death and sexual violence than any other group. Especially if you add race into the mix. Since black transwomen are even more at risk. And unfortunately hate crimes get worse immediately after laws are placed to protect or give these groups rights to match everyone else. Such as the sudden rise in [url=https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/hes-not-done-killing-her-why-so-many-trans-women-were-murdered-in-2015]murders against transwomen (particularly people of color) after a law was enacted to included gender identity in hate crimes[/url] This is unfortunately common seeing as it also happened when [url=http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/ericrosswood/violent_lgbt_hate_crimes_on_the_rise_after_marriage_equality_ruling]same sex marriage was legalized in the US[/url] People don't want the government treating us like people. That's just a fact. They get mad when they afford us the same rights and hate crime status because that means we're being accepted. [quote] I'm not sure on the bisexual thing. If it's true I'd like to know why the factor that they are bisexual [i]specifically[/i] makes it more likely. Could be true.[/quote] [url=http://www.gender-focus.com/2013/12/21/violence-against-bisexual-people/]Here's a article addressing the findings about bisexual women and rape/domestic violence[/url] This is something both heterosexual and queer people have an issue with outright. We (generally) are absolutely [i]horrible[/i] to bisexual partners. It's most likely due to some very unfortunate and [i]false[/i] beliefs about bisexual people causing resentment. A lot of gross beliefs that they're just greedy, they need to 'pick a side', don't even get me started on the 'gold star lesbian' crap (basically you're a gold star lesbian if you've never been with a man). [quote]Arguably, I never said you have nothing to be proud of. But if you are choosing your sexuality (AKA YOUR SEXUAL ACTIVITY) as a thing to be proud of then I would like to ask you why your life is so bad that you have nothing else to be proud of. Ever won a medal? Be proud of that.[/quote] I can in fact be proud of both my achievements personally and the fact that I've made it this far as a queer person. Pride isn't really a one or the other. A lot of us have considered suicide, myself included. Is there really anything [i]wrong[/i] with celebrating life? [quote] which is true, you should see the tumblr posts that some of these gay-pride/LGBTQ+++ drama queens make stating all hetero's should die, right? [/quote] I do see them. And while I'm just as guilty of being mildly frustrated with straight people (Again this is mostly due to ignorance of the fact we are different and that's ok. We don't have to be just like you to be ok.) The idea that they need to die doesn't sit right with me. [quote]Think for a moment about another minority. [i]What other minority gets local parades?[/i] I can think of 1. Black people have 'black history month' which arguably is just as stupid as a gay pride. That's all I can think of. [/quote] [@Vilageidiotx] covered this one for me.