[@MissCapnCrunch] Here is Lady Gully :) I made up a few events in the past, let me know if that's alright :) [hider=Amara Gully] [hr][hr][center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjQyOGY2MC5RVzFoY21FZ1IzVnNiSGssLjAA/seaweed-script.regular.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9751752e5032509dbca2183d48348c6d/tumblr_n0m68fhTDR1ridkjdo4_250.gif[/img] [color=seagreen][sub]"The world has not shown us mercy, and so we shall return the favor."[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Name: [indent]Amara Myrcella Gully [i]The Steel Serpent[/i] - A reference to Amara's cold personality and the Gully's relation to the sea.[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Age: [indent]47[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Gender: [indent]Female[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Origins: [indent]Mount Promonon Region[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Residence: [indent]Gully's Keep, Quell Sea Region[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/a1291676223305a941052195ffdb9ce4/tumblr_n0t8cdCFwY1ts2or9o2_250.gif[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=seagreen]◾[/color] Devoted [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Cold [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Determined [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Unhinged [color=seagreen]◾[/color][/center] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Personality: [indent]Amara is nothing if not a mother. She is a woman who is devoted solely to her children, and she puts them first in every possible way. Her family is her everything, and not one person doubts that she would die for each and every member. Aside from her devotion, she is a determined and intelligent woman, someone who won't stop until her wishes are fulfilled. She's willing to use any means necessary to attain her goals, and has done so before. Amara is not this perfect woman though. She has a cold, unfeeling demeanor about her, a result of countless traumas. While her family catches more glimpses of her warmth than anyone else, she is known throughout the land as being a woman who can strike fear into any man's heart, with just one look. This might be less frightening, if she was much more sane than she is. Her mind has been affected by many psychological traumas, and sometimes she acts impulsively because of it.[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Role & Career: [indent]Wife of Lord Gully, and the Gully Matriarch[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Hobbies & Interests: [indent]✔️ Needlework ✔️ Astronomy ✔️ Reading ✔️ Writing[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent]✔️ Family ✔️ The sea ✔️ Being alone ✔️ Walking the castle walls ✖️ Feast or tournaments ✖️ Speaking to people ✖️ Thinking of the past ✖️ The Ainsworths[/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Other: [indent]Nope[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/f75b75a1e1b01f2fecd38a2f87545c56/tumblr_mzn3w3ss2u1rwivlyo1_250.gif[/img][hr][/center] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Family Members: [indent]Ser Lucan Gully - Eldest Son Lord Ithobal Gully - Second Son Lady Amelia Gully - Daughter [/indent] [color=seagreen]◾[/color] Biography: [indent]Amara was born into a family of lesser nobles, from the Quell Sea. The Moors, were a family that had built their fortune on trade and had become banner men to the Gullys around a century prior to Amara's birth. As a young girl, Amara was known for her carefree, and joyful nature, and she'd often be seen running across her family's land, laughing and shrieking with delight. That all changed when she was barely a woman. When Amara was sixteen, the Moors had a run in with the Ainsworths, a minor one but one that hurt the family's pride none the less. The two families had always had poor relations. The Moors sought be viewed as a more noble house, but the Ainsworths saw them as nothing more than merchants. Finally, this conflict escalated after a Moor ship sunk of the coast of the Quell Sea. Seeking vengeance, Walder Moor blamed the Ainsworths and led one of the most ill fated rebellions in the history of Lhivoria. For six months, the Moors and other minor houses fought against the royal family, until finally they were defeated. The Moors were all taken to the capital where the king promised Walder that he would be noble in hell. Amara was forced to watch as the king executed her father and her three brothers on the steps of the palace. That was the end of Amara's joyful days. Amara was spared the brutality of an execution, and was instead gifted to the young Lord Gully, due to being quite the beauty when she was younger. Her troubles did not end here. Her marriage was rife with failed pregnancies and stillbirths, none of which helped her fragile mental state. She was lucky to give birth to her three children, as people say any more tragedy and she may have gone completely mad. She'd never stopped seeking revenge though, and she intends to burn every last Ainsworth to dust, even if it means dying herself.[/indent] [/hider]