Curt had never been so finicky in his life. Even leaning back in as causal of a manner as he could, he was playing with this thumbs and his leg was bouncing in a nearly uncomfortable fashion. His palms began to sweat and nervousness was kicking in. Man, he could do speeches in front of the kingdom, he could face the all-knowing king of the heavens and yet seeing next to a human and asking for their help was the most stressful thing he had ever encountered. When she finally spoke, his anxiety vanished and relief filled his body, his shoulders dropped as a sign of relaxation and his palms became much less sweaty. “There’s always a choice; you can say no, you can say I’m nuts and leave. And I wouldn’t blame you. But you’re a kind person and I thank you for that. And don’t worry, I’ll make it clear to everyone it is hand holding only.” He gave a firm nod followed by a polite smile. “I’ll look after you; you don’t need to worry about anything. Though, I suppose I should introduce myself properly. I am Curt, and I am the God of the Cancer constellation. I work for a place called The Department of Wishes and I am the Vice-Director of the department. I and two other gods from this department are down here on earth. Our job is to grant the wishes of the humans.” “There is another department from the heavens here too. The Department of Punishments; I know that may sound scary but think of it more like karma. It’s their job to insure those who do bad things learn from their mistakes and, hopefully, make better choices in the future.” Giving her a genuine smile he explained a little further, “Don’t worry about where you live, we have basic powers to make food and transportation. We can connect any door with the front door of the mansion. So we can come get you or have you come here. Some of us will probably do our work here in the mansion at the pools you saw in the basement. And some of us, myself included, would want to go into the human world to do our work.” “This is probably a lot for you to process but the reason we can only use our major powers with you is because you are the reincarnation of a goddess. You can’t see them but you have stars in your eyes to prove it.” Without giving it much thought he leaned towards her looking her directly in the eyes. “They really are beautiful…”His voice was soft, low and whispering, as if it was a secret. “Oh,” He quickly pulled back and shook his head, “I’m sorry, now I’m being weird; I apologize.” “Do you have any questions for me? I know the others would like to meet you but I don’t want you to feel too bombarded with all this information before you have to encounter more people.” His honest and carrying nature showing through as he gave her a friendly smile.