He was a huh? And she was a what? She blinked as he continued to speak. Why wasn't she more freaked out about this? She should have been screaming he was nuts. Running to her car. Calling police. [b]Something.[/b] So why wasn't she? Truth be told, she was just drawing a blank. Her body wouldn't react to anything it should be doing. She could only stare at him. And then he leaned closer to her and she felt her cheeks heat up like she had a high fever, her body freezing in place as her eyes met his and her cheeks turned bright red. "Wouldn't it just be easier if I moved in?" She questioned, her voice a bit higher in pitch. Why was that the only question she could think of? She should be asking him how in the hell he expected her to believe....well, any of it. Those were the things she should have been saying. And yet, she felt a strange sense of calm. Maybe it was because she'd witnessed first hand the sort of thing he was capable of. It made sense that he would be some sort of God with what he could do. Her eyes turned back to the mansion, and her brows furrowed. "...I should probably be freaking out right now." She muttered. "But...I don't know. In a weird way, it all makes sense to me. So.. yeah. I'll help. And I suppose the sooner we get the introductions out of the way the better. I mean, if I'm really some sort of reincarnated Goddess and all that... I guess this is why I'm here, right?"