[hider=Prince Kayden] [B]Username:[/B] POOHEAD189 [b]Character Name:[/b] Kayden Aberglen. [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human (Borderlander, from the Kingdom of Eilean) [b]Gender:[/b] M [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Career/Class:[/b] Mercenary Captain [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*]Arming sword [*]Hunting Bow [*]Hunting Spear [/list] [b]Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):[/b] A lean, fit, but refined man with dark hair and eyes, with a navy blue tunic over chainmail (covering leather) and loose fitting dark brown trousers. With the sword strapped to his hip and the bow strung at his back, his forearms wrapped in purple cloth, connecting to golden rings along his middle fingers. On his left hand, his ring finger bears an expensive diamond. He dons a single earring on his left ear. Has black tattoos along his forearms of a coyote and a dragon (covered by the purple cloth), indicating he is an heir of Eilean. Considered quite handsome by many a maiden. [b]Armor:[/b] [list] [*]Chainmail hauberk [*]Leather armor [*]Leather bracers/pauldrons [/list] [b]Equipment/Other[/b] [list] [*]Sword sharpening/cleaning kit [*]30 arrows [*]Water Jug [*]Herbal remedy to halt light bleeding [*]3 pounds of beef jerky [/list] [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] Kayden's charismatic in various perspectives. He knows how to command men in battle, and he knows how to woo women into his bed. It's quite funny, because strong willed women are what he is most attracted to, yet it's what he is most shy with. He has a problem with authority, getting quite agitated if he is being ordered on what to do for more than a small length of time. He's determined, yet frustrated, proud of who he is, yet forsaken his family name. He enjoys leading men into battle, but hates himself for it, for he knows it's nothing more than toying with their lives. If he could escape a position, no matter how highborn, that he did not enjoy, who was he to lead men to their deaths? He has an astute and tactically brilliant mind. He has the intelligence to remain hidden, yet the arrogance to not change his name or remove his jewelry. He often enjoys drawing, if he can get his hands upon a quill and some parchment. It was a skill that came naturally to him, however he decided to pursue it to clear his mind and show himself he could do more than what his father wanted him to. He's an avid and skilled chess player as well, his strategic mind translating well upon the board. Kayden fears being captured and taken back to his father, but his true fear is the meaning behind it. He fears a life of mediocrity, a life lived un-authentically, and to trade in his freedom of choice for 'security' and 'duty.' [b]Goals:[/b] Kayden's goals are to seek his own fame and fortune, through his own skill and determination. He wants to live as a free man, outside of the pointless bickering of the court. [b]Background/History:[/b] [list] [*]Born to the royal family of Eilean, Kayden is King Duncan Aberglen's 2nd son. Brandon was the first born, raised to be the heir behind his father. Gregory was third, groomed to be the statesman and advisor. Kayden was raised to lead their army when the time called for it. He was taught the art of the spear, sword, and bow. The 2nd son was taught all of them equally, but became skilled with them in that order (spear, sword, and bow). [*]He grew up in his older brother's shadow, making friends with commoners and other nobleman's children. He was trained by the Knight Gregor (whom Gregory was named after) in combat, until he turned 16. Gregor had other duties, and Kayden's father had hired a criminal turned duelist, Morrelle, to teach Kayden advanced techniques with weapons. When not being taught the sword by her, he was schooled in tactics by Grand Marshal Theodred Erikssen, for a large fee. Luckily for Kaiden and his father's coffers, the young noble was a quick study and a natural at tactics, and only required Erikssen's schooling for two years. [*]Due to Kayden being taught to lead men and not follow, his over bearing father scolding him on duty (which contradicted his schooling of command), and his older brother being the perfect heir (something to live up to), he grew into a rebellious youth. Why should he grow into their standard? He was told from a young age that he would need to marry to further his house line, which led him to search for a woman of his own choice. He admired women who flaunted their skill instead of their status, seeing it as their true worth. He could find almost none around his capital however, bedding those who were convenient to him. [*]At age 19, raids between different provinces grew more and more frequent, with forests clearing and land being up for grabs by various different lords. Kayden and his brothers had experiences in war through that, though it was his brother Brandon who conducted most of the raids. It was when Kayden was 22 that his brother Brandon, heir to the Lordship of Eilean, was killed in a skirmish, making Kayden the next in line. His rebellious nature, coupled with his lack of hereditary ambition, and increasingly violent arguments with his, while not unloving, stern and harsh father, caused Kayden to flee his lands. That last night before he fled, he and his father had gotten through another heated argument. When he left his father's chambers, while he was indeed angry, it was his exhaustion of living the life of a prince that drove him to grab his things and flee. He took a sizeable amount of jewels, a fine horse, an arming sword and hunting bow. [*]Kayden found Morek the Dwarf along a small road, the ironclad warrior having just run out of beef jerky. Kayden shared some of his, and found out the Dwarf was quite enamoured with the meal. After they were attacked by a wyvern together and lost their horses, they decided to team up and slay the beast. They have been traveling together ever since. [/list] [/hider]