[center][h2]THOR & TARENE[/h2][/center] "ANOTHER!" Tarene cried merrily, hoisting up a drained pint glass with a beaming smile. As miserable as the past few months had been since she'd come to Midgard, she found herself surprisingly pleased with herself here in Fishguard in Wales. "I can'ae have another" the local fisherman shook his head in defeat, damn midgardians couldn't handle their booze half as well as Asgardian's. As much as she liked it here, she missed having GOOD drinking buddies. She thought of her old friends, as she often did in the few fleeting moments she paused and reflected. She remembered Thor and Fandrall knocking back mead as if the sun would never rise over Asgard again. Then one day ... it didn't. She drained another glass and turned to one of her new coworkers. For the past couple of days she'd been busy hauling heavy cargo about around the docks. Glancing down at the photo in his hand Thor couldn't help but let out a small sigh of worry from his nostrials. It had been eons since he had seen her in person and some part of him was beginning to be concerned if maybe she should be left alone. He knew she wasn't the kind of person who could let go of the past as he had. From even back in the days her temper had her practically fight through Valhalla and Hell alike to seek vengeance. He adjusted the small tote bag he had slung on his shoulder as he glanced around the small Welsh town. It seemed lovely, but Wales had always seemed lovely the few times he had visited it. Still he knew deep down he was there for what he felt was the right reasons, and it wasn't to admire the United Kingdom's countryside. Glancing around Thor saw a salty looking old man near some of the docks. Quietly bundling rope onto his shoulder by himself. Approaching Thor held up the picture of Tarene SHIELD had given him when he made a pit stop in New York City flying through towards Wales. Where he also changed out of his battle armor and into a simple shirt and jeans. He didn't want to give Tarene any real concern. It was why he also kept Mjolnir tucked away in his tote bag. He was worried if she saw it Tarene would do something rash. "Excuse me..." Thor asked trying to sound as friendly as possible before holding the picture of Tarene towards the old man. "I'm trying to find this woman, do you have any idea where she is?" So far his trail had been a mixed bag, but curiously shipyard workers in the area usually vaguely remembered her, and Fishguard was one thing that came out of those hazy memories. The old man looked as though he was about to tell Thor to leave him alone when he paused looking at the picture. Suddenly and slowly cracking a smile. "Aye! That be Tara! I believe she should be at the bar this time of the day..." The old man seemed fond of Tarene, or Tara as she was known apprently. The old man arched an eyebrow at Thor. "You two lasses sure look alike thinking about it. Are you related?" Pausing a little from faint surprise. Thor chuckled to himself, "No but come to think of it I guess you could say so in a way." Thor remarked more thinking aloud than anything else. "Still thank you sir." "Aye think nothing of it." The old man went back to his business as Thor left him. Wondering what life for Tarene had been like since that fateful day in Stark's tower. It had taken some time to find the bar the old man spoke about, surprising given the size of the town. Still he was able to come across it. Small little cozy looking place that had clearly been there some time. Opening the front door with a gentle push forward Thor glanced around the bar. It seemed decently filled, but it still took a moment for him to see her. Chugging away like the professional alcoholic he always knew her as. Tarene was blissfully unaware of Thor. She didn't know he was still alive, much less hunting her down in her rural coastal hideout in Wales. It was a rather ironic twist come to think of it. She'd sought him out so furiously, and the second she ceased her search, he was essentially appearing. "Tara, ya never tell us about where you came from before ya started working on the docks, go on and tell us an ould' story, we've told you all the tales from here to Glasgow!" one of her drinking buddies said jovially, the trad band that were playing in the corner were starting to pick up pace and as patrons of the bar got a little drunker they began to sing and clap along. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" she admitted with a sigh. It sure would be nice to tell them about Asgard but they'd think she was mad, and she'd only feel homesick.... Then again, they were getting pretty drunk so perhaps it wouldn't hurt, it wasn't as if they'd remember the next day anyway. "Well actually ... I guess it can't hurt. Order another round, this could take a while, I've travelled quite a lot" she started, clearing her throat to start where it all began. The 9 Realms, Asgard, all the various realms she and her friends had explored, and then crashing down into New York City and royally screwing up. They'd need a lot to drink to get through it all and promptly forget it afterwards. "I was born in a land far far away..." Tarene started with an appropriate flourish, Hogun had always been animated telling stories, she kind of wished he was telling the story, or Thor, he had a great voice for stories too. "Whoa- ..." Tarene pressed a palm to her temple, something felt [i]off[/i]. It was a niggling little pain, subtle but ... it was annoyingly present, like an angry whisper in her brain, or a sad one, she couldn't quite tell. "Did you-?" she wasn't even sure what she was about to ask, [i]Did you feel something?[/i]. No. It was her, there was something wrong with her. "Perhaps I should get some air. I promise I'll tell the whole story another time, I'm feeling a little strange." Tarene said excusing herself from the bar, a pint half-finished. She NEVER left a drink half drunk. It was all or nothing when it came to Asgardians and alcohol. Watching from afar Thor almost felt like leaving, again that nagging worry he should just let her be. It didn't help that she seemed like she was having a wonderful time. He couldn't hear what she was saying but he could imagine it was something fun. She had a knack for really being the life of anything involving heavy booze and socializing. Quietly though he watch her suddenly look droop as if she was sick or something. Her pint not quite finished Thor had to decide if he was going to leave or not quickly considering Tarene was heading towards him. Finally though as she got up to him Thor made a warm smile. "Well, I never thought you'd become a lightweight after all these years." He teased, hoping that could leave things in the right direction to begin this reunion. Tarene knew she wasn't drunk. Midgardian beer wasn't halfway strong enough to even get her more than just a little bit tipsy (god she'd kill for a good Vanaheimr Ale). The fact she was certain she wasn't drunk made her wonder briefly if she was mad, that COULDN'T be Thor Odinson. "I thought you dead." she said numbly, staring dumbfounded at her old friend who seemed relatively unchanged. He had all his limbs, his face and head were in the correct place and fully formed ... he wasn't even skinny or squished up. He was real and whole and there. Suspicion crept in, the ringing in her head growing louder, more furious, she realised it was Mjolnir, calling her? No ... it was still in Stark towers, it couldn't be here, this wasn't really Thor. It was Loki. A trick, surely, he'd played tricks on her before. "How do I know this is no trick?" she growled warily. Thor paused slightly at Tarene's question. There was something strange about how she was seeing her like this. Broken, defeated, able to put on the smile when she had too but not personally joyful. Now the single piece of joy she could have she had to almost assume it wasn't real. Thor finally felt his smile slowly fade a little as he realized it all. Finally he just gently let his arms carefully slide around Tarene as he gently hugged her. "Its no trick Tarene. I could never let something like that happen my little hammer girl..." Thor knew that was the way to show he wasn't some figment of her imagination. 'Hammer girl' was the first thing he had ever really called her. Considering the first time he had ever seen her she was clocking some guy upside the head with a golden hammer. Long story, but he had called her that before knowing her name was Tarene, even after that he'd still call her hammer girl to get her riled up at times. Man he was immature. Tarene felt numb, but also painful. It irritated her. There had to be something in Midgardian water that made her stupidly over-emotional. But he was real. "But I- I watched Asgard break and burn- You were there. I saw- You pushed me through the Bifrost and it collapsed and then Asgard was gone- How did you?-" she was blathering on, mindlessly letting words tumble out because it seemed too good to be true. After a few moments of hanging like a limp noodle in his one-sided hug, she gripped him tightly, probably a little too tightly, if he weren't Asgardian, she'd probably have snapped his spine. "I've scoured the realms to find you- When I found Mjolnir I-" then her thoughts caught up with her and half reluctantly, half terrified, she broke the hug apart. She remembered what happened with Mjolnir ... she ... lost his hammer. Well sort of, she knew where it was and it wasn't likely to have moved, but she didn't hang onto it which was irresponsible. "I found Mjolnir- I thought maybe you were alive and I searched but ... Then Loki-" she froze up entirely. He should have killed Loki on Asgard, and he didn't and Asgard was destroyed, she'd come so close to killing him here and yet. "I did not kill him." she confessed numbly. She couldn't even explain why, he'd caught her off guard with his words. Yes, that was it, he'd tricked her again, but now it would be okay, Thor was back, they'd stop him together this time, like they should have on Asgard. "They call him a hero here, I was imprisoned by their SHIELD, he is tricking them I know it, we need to stop him." she insisted, suddenly snapping her head back into the game, though part of her nagged to stop what she was saying, pause and breathe. She was a criminal, she was happy hiding here, it wouldn't be wise to take on SHIELD. "I- .. I shouldn't ... I, I should stay here." "Shhh shhh shhh..." Thor gently rubbed the square of her back. He of course knew everything she had told him. Between Agent Coulson, seeing the security footage, and having caught up on particular recent events. He knew even if Loki was lying to him about something, everything showed Tarene was hurting deeply and maybe now just knowing Thor was alive could provide her enough. He wasn't about to break it to her he already knew the whole story. That Mjolnir was not only no longer lost but with him right there. That he had made peace with Loki, heck that he was with SHIELD now. He knew she would break hearing all that right now, so he just wanted to provide some comfort. Let her hopefully rid herself of her emotional baggage. Then he could leave her be in this town, and just make sure SHIELD knows to be careful with her. Part of him did feel guilty he was going to lie to her but at this point, knowing what she had done and could still possibly do. It was probably just going to have to suffice. "It's alright Tarene. I had heard in the papers of some of the things you had done. You have no idea how hard it was to find you." Thor paused, glancing around the bar. "Here lets get a table. I'm sure we have plenty to catch up on." Guiding her with an arm gently on her shoulders Thor led her to an empty wooden table. Letting her take a seat at one chair while he scooted himself into the other one. Letting his tote bag lay next to his feet far side from Tarene. "I'm very sorry I never tried to contact you. I honestly thought you had perished as well. Besides I have been travelling and hiding so long I would've had a very hard time doing so." Thor kept a hand on top of her's on the table. Wanting to continue to show support. Of course seeing a beer menu on the table he did with his other hand snatch it up. Opening it to start browsing the options. Not a lot of variety, but he did notice some particular oat ales that sounded delicious. He glanced back up at Tarene. "Well... I hope you haven't gotten too far ahead of me in alcohol content." Thor teased. Tarene let Thor guide her to the table, truth be told, she felt a little unsteady and her head was spinning but it wasn't the booze that was to blame. She took a few moments just to gether herself, she couldn't help but be incredibly overjoyed he was alive and well. She also felt incredibly regretful. She'd let him down terribly. She let Loki escape, she'd harmed Midgardians, and he was rather fond of Midgardians, come to think of it, Tarene quite liked them as well. Dwight was great, some days she even missed him a little, and the Welsh were full of craic and jokes, given the weather, they needed SOMETHING to make them smile so it came as no surprise they were jokers and storytellers. "I ought to beat you half to death for frightening me like that you know." she finally managed, then added, "And don't get me started on Midgardian beer, its horribly weak." she rolled her eyes. He'd need to drain a whole reservoir just to get started. "We do have much to catch up on." she sighed as a serving girl made her way over to distribute more weak Welsh booze and clean up empty glasses. "I was in New York for some time ... you read in the papers though ... You know I- I resorted to some desperate measures but only to find you and to stop Loki." she assured him, but somehow it sounded like a lame excuse. She shouldn't have hurt people, she shouldn't have attacked Stark and ironically, it was Loki who had stopped her. "I do no understand how you find your way around this confusing realm." she shook her head, Wales was simpler than New York City though, perhaps she'd figure it out eventually. "I want, so badly, to go back to Asgard." her eyes were water and her voice tearful. "Actually... I've rather really began to enjoy Midgardian beers." Thor began taking a light sniff of the beer he was given. Its hint of barley gently tickling his smell. "Sure it's not what I would considering potent but the Midgardians have really developed a good sense of flavors." Holding up his glass to Tarene he took a drink. "Hmm, but getting back to what you were saying... yes... so I had heard you resorted to some extreme measures." Thor noted with a disappointed tone he couldn't help. "I'm not sure how hurting a perfectly nice CEO would help find Loki. Frankly I'm still shocked his alive either." Thor was still fairly surprised by that, having seen Loki die once before right in front of his eyes. "Still, Loki can and will be dealt with in due time if he is indeed planning something. You have to remember Tarene its not just you or I anymore who have to fight him." Thor knew that many of the 'superheroes' as people have called them were possibly capable of handling Loki if his brother was indeed taking his sweet time on some evil plan. Still if Loki was up to something, as hard as it was for Thor to believe anymore after spending time with him. He'd be the one to put Loki down once and for all. He would be furious if anyone else tried. "Speaking of, I'm only going to be in town for the night. I have a cabin out in Montana in the United States I'm heading back too. Built it myself actually..." Thor with a grin held up his hands. "Yes I actually got my royal hands dirty believe it or not." Thor went back to the brew, taking another drink. "I was planning on selling it though, not sure where I'll move next though." Thor knew fully by now he was moving to New York City soon, as SHIELD was actually helping him find a nice place that they would pay for. It was surprising how friendly the organization was being with him. Though he knew his stature and legend probably made them understand he wasn't the kind of person you let be on their bad side. "Still I wanted to make sure you were fine and that hopefully you can find some peace in your life. Asgard was a long time ago Tarene, maybe its time to just let it stay in the past. Midgard is not nearly as bad as you make it out to be you know?" Thor told Tarene with a hand on her shoulder. Now it was time for the big part of his plan. He hoped he was going to be careful enough with her. Especially knowing now how wounded emotionally she was. Tarene stared at her drink when Thor pointed out how she'd been a tad extreme, though he didn't chastise her. He was being oddly gentle which was nice but still a tad strange. Back on Asgard, people had no problems smacking her on the head when she was stupid, that was a long time ago and she'd been a child then. Now she was an adult and they weren't on Asgard. She was about to explain why she'd attacked Stark, because he had technology, but it seemed pointless. She wasn't on trial, this was Thor, he understood. "No one on this planet understands how big a threat he is. You and I are the only people left alive who know how dangerous Loki is." Tarene warned. He may have been Thor's adopted brother, but he was still a dangerous malevolent God. Those other heroes were rather impressive, but they'd never fought Loki as she and Thor had done. She frowned when he revealed he'd be leaving soon but what could she say to stop him, at least he was going to New York of all places. Perhaps she could put him and Dwight in contact, Dwight would explode, his nerdy little brain would be overloaded. She owed him a meet and greet with Thor after she'd scared him half to death countless times. Her frown deepened when Thor suggested she settle in and enjoy Midgard and let Ragnarok go. He wasn't seriously saying that was he? "You can't be serious." she said, her hand balling up into a fist, a knee-jerk reaction, but she seemed to be reigning in her fiery temper as best she could. "Have you forgotten what happened?" she asked incredulously. "Asgard was our home. They were our friends and he tore it all apart, for what? So he could be King of the Ashes?" she was clearly upset by the idea of forgetting, much less forgiving what had happened. "You were our King! How many of us were willing to sacrifice all for you? How many of us DID sacrifice it all for you?! Sif, Hogun, Heimdall, Fandral, Volstagg, Valkyrie, your closest friends all died to stop him. I would have died on Asgard as well had you not stopped Loki from striking that killing blow. Would you forget my suffering and their sacrifices so easily?" she was angry and tearful at the mere thought. "Have you forgotten who you are? What you are? You are Thor Odinson, King of Asgard, leader of all Asgardians! Are you really going to let all our sacrifices be in vain?" Thor felt foolish to figure it was going to be this easy. Tarene's will wasn't going to yield at just a simple suggestion. Still he had no idea how much hate was burning in her heart still. Even after the casualities and all the years. "First off..." Thor held up a single index finger. "We don't even know if they're dead. We both thought Loki was dead, heck I was more than sure he was dead." Thor kept himself cool because he didn't want her to fly off the handle anymore than she was already. "Believe me though, no one seethed at what had happened more than me. It took a long long time for me to even consider what I believe now. Much less accept it. I've spent many moons and suns running and hiding. Not able to see the reality of things for what they were." Finishing his drink Thor quickly wasted no time getting back to Tarene's side. "My soul [i]ached[/i] for vengeance Tarene. But eventually I had to accept Asgard isn't coming back no matter how hard I wished, it was a horrifying thought, its still a horrifying thought, and believe me if I could I would make that not so. Suppose you do kill Loki though? Only thing that is going to happen is the ground will be fill with one more of his corpses. Asgard will not come back, Sif, Hogun, Heimdall, Fandral, Volstagg, Valfyrie, [i]NONE[/i] of them will come back if they are indeed gone." Thor reached out with both hands, clasping Tarene's own hands in his. "I don't want to see you full of hate anymore Tarene. It was Loki's hate that got us into this mess in the first place. Certainly what he did was heinous, cruel, and merciless. That does not mean though that you should resort to being any of that." "If for nothing else Tarene..." Thor pleaded, "Even if you do it for no other reasons, do it for me, your king. Live your life, be happy, just. Let. Go." Tarene smiled sadly. It was overwhelming, all the words, the feelings. Deep down though, Thor was still Thor, unchanged, no- he was changed, but still him, despite all that had happened. Even though all was lost, he was still himself, he hadn't lost his essence. Tarene had lost hers, but perhaps now she could begin to find herself again, properly this time. "All I have left is my hate." she couldn't forgive Loki, she couldn't let it go. "I lost Mjolnir, and without Her ... I have had nothing left but my hate..." she shook her head, a hand reaching to her side, under her coat. She dropped down to one knee at Thor's side and dropped down her head, drawing Sif's sword before her and planting the tip of the blade in the floor before her. "I promise, on my life, that I will serve my King faithfully, never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit." she managed to draw her gaze up to Thor, "Let me serve you once again and I swear I will not fail you again." Thor now was very concerned. He never thought in a million years Tarene would be [i]this[/i] loyal to him. It wasn't helping her show was causing many in the bar, including her co-workers. To stare on in befuddlment and confusion. Including Thor, who only could start by pointing to the sword Tarene had pulled out and asking "I-is that Sif's sword?" slightly worried about how he was going to handle Tarene now that she's swearing oath to him. "Tarene, please, now you're just making this weird." Thor rubbed his forehead as he looked on. "I can tell you still have hate but if you seek guidance and help you can be happy again. Please Tarene just..." Thor had an idea, "Tarene, why don't you come to America with me? I can let you stay, no, you have HAVE my cabin in Montana. It's beautiful, peaceful, I will do whatever it takes to help make that cabin feel like home for you. Just please don't let what happened destroy you like this. All you have to do is just seek out help and I promise you'll find it. Even if I have to help you personally I will do it." Tarene looked up confusedly at Thor's suggestion to go back to America with him. She'd be immediately captured by SHIELD again, the reason she'd left was so that she didn't have to hurt any more people. "If it is what you want of me ... then I shall go to Montana." she agreed, but added, "But SHIELD are searching for me I know it. If I go back and I am captured, I will have to kill-" Pain lanced through her head, flaming hot like a knife of fire- no... Not fire. [i]Thunder[/i]. Mjolnir was calling to her but unlike before. It hurt. It hurt but at the same time there was a pang of longing there and it was too close, it was too strong she couldn't ignore it. She clutched her forehead and yelped from the sudden sting before quickly gathering herself. The pain vanished as quickly as it appeared but she knew Mjolnir... Mjolnir wasn't quiet when it wanted someone attention. She spoke and insisted she was heard. Mjolnir had been an old friend from Asgard to her when all else was lost. That was why losing the enchanted hammer had hurt so dreadfully. "Mjolnir-" she gasped. "I-I hear Her." Shit. Thor was silently furious at himself he didn't just leave Mjolnir where he had landed when he flew into Wales. Now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Especially knowing now Tarene was carrying something as deadly as Sif's old blade. Thor paused, desperately trying to think of some way out. The only thing he could say though was "Wh-what do you mean?" Knowing he sounded like an idiot he had to quickly add more. "How could Mjolnir be in Wales?! Wasn't it suppose to be on the top floor in the reception's room of Stark Tower?" Thor suddenly realized what he had said. He shouldn't have known the exact location of Mjolnir unless he was there, and he was. "Shit." Was all Thor could quietly hiss to himself. Quickly his mind turned to damage control. Quickly getting to his feet Thor kicked his chair at Tarene. Letting Mjolnir fly out of his tote bag and quickly streaks of lightning magically brought his armor onto him as he called out to the bar. "Everyone out now if you value your life!" Thor wasn't going to let a casualty happen now that he was there for Tarene. Even if being there for her now meant hurting her and giving her tough love. It was always the way people had to teach her a lesson in Asgard. It all made sense when Thor slipped up and admitted he knew where Mjolnir was. Unfortunately for him, she already had a weapon drawn, though the screeching in her head from Mjolnir calling out to her had disoriented her somewhat. She easily sliced the wooden chair into kindling, though Thor still had the time to draw Mjolnir and quickly tell everyone to evacuate. "I can still hear her and feel her." Tarene said, her gaze locked on the enchanted hammer. "Give me the Hammer." Thor took another step back as he watched the crowd very quickly get the hell out of the bar before he had to return his gaze upon Tarene. Now what looked broken seemed to be shattered beyond repair. Tarene looked mad, mad as Loki had been once. All the years of lonely suffering had clearly taken more than its toll on her. Thor didn't want to be there, he didn't want to resort to what seemed more and more destined. Seeing the sheer madness, blinding fury pulsing through Tarene's vision Thor felt like everything around him had gone still. Here was a friend who meant everything to him once, an ally, someone he had once even imagined he was in love with. Someone he had actually made love with. For a moment he felt like the only solution in front of him was a solution he had used many times before on Asgard. Violence, Tarene was gone and Thor felt maybe it was time she was put out of her misery.... Thor couldn't let himself though, he had another plan. Instead Thor calmly rushed back up to Tarene. Clinching hold of the hilt of Sif's sword from right out of her grasp. "No." Thor told Tarene firmly. He was her king, it was time she remember her place. Tarene didn't want to fight Thor. He was her King and yet- Something was wrong, it was all so very wrong. Then he was standing before her, eerily calm when seconds before she'd sworn she'd seen a flash of violence in his eyes. A look she'd seen him give enemies countless times but he'd never saved it for her ... then it melted away and he gripped Sif's sword and told her "no". For a fraction of a second she felt her hand twitch, ready to lash out and twist Thor's arm. She stayed her hand, barely. "As you wish. My King." she managed, unable to entirely hide the venom in her voice. He had drawn his weapon on her, Mjolnir, for just a moment, but he'd still done it. They still had much to work out. "I do not want to fight you ... Not like this." Thor felt his nerves finally start to unwind even a little as he held both Mjolnir and Sif's trusty sword in his grasp. He was glad she backed off, as he knew she wasn't someone he could easily defeat even with Mjolnir in his hand. Still he had nothing but concern and worry for her. Finally after a pause Thor approached Tarene. Carefully wrapping his arm around her shoulder once more as he led her out of the bar. Leaving the tote bag behind as he looked out on the fading sun over the Wales countryside. "Lets go Tarene. I know people who want to help you."