“Traditionally we don’t need food to survive, in the heavens we just eat for entertainment. But how does that earth saying go… ‘When in Rome’? Yeah that sounds right. Besides, our energy depletes a lot faster here on earth so we must eat and sleep to regain our strength.” He gave a shrug to his broad shoulders as he threw the ball up and down into the air. Her accent made him grin, a playful grin that said he liked the way it sounded before he held the door open for her and they entered the house. In the sitting room sat the gods, two were in the white suite with gold arm bands matching what Curt had worn when they first met and the other three were in black suites with silver arm bands. [color=0072bc]The first one to her was Axel, as the only one standing he seemed to approach her in a timid fashion; almost shy and reserved but he still spoke up first. “So you’ve agreed to help us?” He asked in a shy manner, almost a whisper, his green gaze moved over her shoulder to Curt who nodded, his eyes rejoiced and his body relaxed as he extended his hand to her. “I am Axel, God of Gemini. And I work for the Department of Punishments.” After shaking her hand, he pointed towards the woman who was leaning against the wall. Her piercing blue eyes staring daggers at Alyssa of automatic dislike, “That’s Scorpio, she is the god of the Scorpio constellation. Don’t worry; she takes a while to warm up to people. She’s also the vice director of the Department of Punishments.”[/color] [color=c4df9b]Alexander was the next to speak up; he rose from his chair and gave her a polite nod. “I am Alexander, God of Libra and I am the Director of the Department of Punishments.”[/color] [color=a187be]Hue turned his deep gaze from his book up to Alyssa and gave her a small wave. “I’m Hue, God of Aquarius. I am a member of the Department of Wishes and that’s Leon, God of Leo who is our department head.”[/color] [color=f7941d]Leon had been lounging in a large chair watching the human as soon as she walked in. His amber-golden gaze staring her down with intensity; rising to his feet he walked to her. Looking her in the eye leaving barely any gap between them he stared her down. “Goldfish, you will do as we say without complaint.” His tone was an ‘matter of fact’ tone as if there was no room for debate.[/color] That’s why Curt slid in between them, one of the few people who could not only keep Leon under control but reason with him as well. “She has offered her services in more ways than we can imagine. She’s volunteered to live here with us…” The room became so quiet you could hear a pin drop but Curt continued to speak, ignoring the silence or the questioning look the intimidating Leon was giving him. “We shouldn’t interfere with her life that would destroy her balance and cause her trouble. We as gods cannot permit that. It would be best to let her come and go as she pleases. That way she is relaxed and comfortable when we need her assistance.” While most of the gods nodded in agreement and Scorpio clicked her tongue in annoyance over the fact that the woman would be living with them; Leon stared Curt down for a moment, the two men never breaking eye contact. Then Leon scuffed, as if Curt had won and went back to his seat. “Great, now that introductions are out of the way, let’s get you moved in.” He said with a grin as he turned back to her. “Come with me, I want to show you something cool.” He led her to the front door and placed his hand on it. “Now you placed your hand on the door as well and imagine your home.” It took an extra moment but soon the door radiated a faint white light and Curt removed his hand and gestured for her to open the handle. Sure enough, when she opened the door, on the other side was her current home. “Now we’ll just carry things inside and up to your room. Neat huh?”