[color=a2d39c]"Ha ha ha! Fighting!"[/color] Orchid was pumped at the prospect of more fights. It was a fairly boring ride with the caravan aside from singing and eating good food. It'd be good to get a good workout now. Orchid was going to charge in and take point when Parum the halfling stopped him. She wanted to talk to the kobold, which Orchid already figured. After all, why else would she want him alive? Though she also warned him to stay back due to his injuries. [color=a2d39c]"Ngeh. No hurt. No problem! Orchid fight enemy. Keep village people safe by kill enemy."[/color] Figuring that the plan was simple enough, Orchid was going to just go forth and do as planned. Fortunately for Parum, Orchid did not do so when he heard a loud crash coming from Trear. Admittedly while he was going to be the first to attack, he intended to go into his hunter mode and try to make an entrance stealthily. With her critical failure, Orchid conceded to staying back if only so he could continue to have some slimmer of stealth. Orchid followed along, keeping keen to the situation around him. He was listening for any ambushes, sniffing the air for abnormalities. He stopped when Parum stopped and noticed some people off in the distance with kobolds. He couldn't make out their finer details from this distance, but he could tell that they were nor kobolds and the kobolds were not killing them. Perhaps they were also raiders? Parum stood still as stone trying to listen to them, so Orchid followed her lead. With his shield strapped to his arm and a harpoon ready to throw, Orchid sneaked into the darkness and readied himself for a fight. This time, he'd be the one to make the ambush. [hider=Rolls] Stealth = [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/373]5[/url] Perception = [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/374]21[/url] [/hider]