[hider=Cassilda de Revaro] [b]Name:[/b] Cassilda de Revaro [b]Race: [/b] Human [b]Sex: [/b] Female [b]Age: [/b] 26 [b]Class/Career: [/b] Enchantress/Swordswoman [b]Weapons: [/b] Sword Ritual dagger Staff [b]Physical Description: [/b] Cassilda is a statuesque woman with sleek black hair and bright blue eyes. She has a beautiful heart shaped face and keeps her hair cut short to keep it out of the way. Years of fighting and study have given her a wiry dancers build which seems at odds with her aristocratic features. She carries herself with an easy feline grace. [b]Armor: [/b] Shield Fine Leather Armor [b]Equipment/Other: [/b] Spell book Cloak Writing equipment Horse (gray mare) [b]Mental description/personality: [/b] Cassilda is intense, intelligent and has little patience for fools. She views herself as a warrior and a professional and respects both qualities in others. Years of battle have given her a healthy cynicism and a black sense of humour. Her dark reputation is a source of some consternation to Cassilda. On one hand, she recognises its utility and plays it up, but on the other hand it makes it harder to connect with others. Deep down she longs for the camaraderie of her early days. She tries to be polite and even friendly but this often makes people more convinced of ill intent. [b]Goals: [/b] Cassilda is the bastard daughter of a powerful aristocrat, although she was bought up in court she aches for some sort of legitimacy. Reckless pursuit of magical power also spurs her on, she is pursuing a way of staying young and beautiful forever. [b]Background/History: [/b] Cassilda is the bastard daughter of an Andredian duke and a Vrettonian exile who fled to Andred following the coup. Although he could never acknowledge her, her father kept her at the court and paid for her education. Her two great loves were magic and sword play, both of which were heartily disapproved of by her mother and indifferently supported by her father. Growing up in a duke’s household there was ample opportunity to learn sword play from the dukes men-at-arms, always eager to impress their lord daughter. Her illegitimacy made this especially true as any knight who married the girl could expect to rise highly in the duke’s esteem. The magic was more of a problem but hefty payments to private tutors ensured that she received extensive, if eclectic education. During her early teenage years her father remarried and fathered a child with his new wife. This wife was an Andredian aristocrat and feared that the charismatic and popular Cassilda might prove a threat to her child’s claim. This was particularly true given her Vrettonian heritage and her magical talents, especially in the field of mental manipulation. A few days before her sixteenth birthday an assassin, paid for by her step mother, plunged a knife into her several times and left her for dead. To this day the scars are visible on her abdomen. Surviving through sheer chance and expensive physicians she slowly recovered her health but the lesson was clear. As soon as she was able, she gathered up what money she could and signed on with a mercenary company that was passing through her fathers domain. Cassilda loved the mercenary life and, further more, she was good at it. Unfortunately she was plagued with bad luck. The commanders of several of the companies she served in died under mysterious circumstances shortly after becoming her lover. This, along with her affinity for mental manipulation magic, has led to her developing an entirely (in her view) unfounded reputation as a black widow. [/hider]