Thanks for all the interest guys! If I don't mention you directly here then it's only because there's only so many ways I can say [i]'Thanks for the interest, really hope we can have you aboard'[/I], without sounding like a pleb. Regardless if you do have any other questions, or would like someone to bounce character ideas off while I get an OOC started then I'm always available here or by PM. As an aside it looks like a lot of the interest is towards badass normal types, which is fine. But remember, you'll be taking the role of the Justice League, so it would make sense to have some heavy hitters on the roster, otherwise the first time an Imperiex probe rocks up to earth we're gonna be in trouble. [@GreenGrenade] Well, you know what they say GG.[i] Great minds steal each others ideas.[/i] Either way, I hope you can get on board pal. [@Polyphemus] Hey Poly, great to see you! I'd love to see you take on the Question! And as to the roster of the JL then I must admit to flubbing the DC canon somewhat. The League features all it's classic members, plus Cyborg. The reason they get way with still calling themselves the big seven is somewhat of a cheat, as Batman vehemently insists that he's only a reserve member (much like the Justice League cartoon) and as such isn't counted among the regular team, even know he's with them just as much as Superman or Wonder Woman. [@Keksalot] Thanks for the interest pal, though I do have some concerns about the sheer level of grimdark there. It sounds more Manhunt than Martian Manhunter to me. I know there is a rich history of DC psychopaths, but remember there's still got to be a vein of campy goodness in these characters. I mean the Jokers a pretty bizarre individual nowadays, a man who cut off his own face just for giggles, but he's still the same guy that used to throw cream pies at cops, and once had a surfing contest with Batman. I struggle to see Pighead in that same light. Of course I'd need to see a sheet before really passing judgement, but I'd just thought I'd air my concerns. [@LadyRunic] Sounds like an interesting concept. I could get on board with it, especially as it looks like her crimes were hardly the most severe. [@Lord Wraith] Mate, you can have any Dick you like. I'd prefer him still as Nightwing considering taking up the cowl at the start of the RP, but he can definitely work towards taking up the cowl himself. After all, who's better suited than Dick? [sub]Jean Paul Valley? No, shutup.[/sub]