Alright guys, looks like the time is up. We have seven submissions and seven spots, which means everyone here is accepted. Those who are still interested but have yet to finish your sheet; there is still chance to join. Just get it done and you'll substitute for anyone dropping out. So, let's talk character. [hider=Athena] [@Macabrefox], 'grats on getting in first. As always, your speed is unmatched. You've really gone into quite the detail with Athena. Her appearance and inventory is very well fleshed out, and they are perfect as far as I can tell. History is nice too, but her early schooling seems to have gone by too quick. As far as my research goes, AP only started in 1952 as a pilot program, and 1955 for the first full curriculum. Assuming Athena started school at six or seven, she would have be the one of the first AP students in history. I would add a year or two in middle school to make it more plausible, and probably raise her total age as a result. The header for capabilities dropped into its divider. Make sure hr's and sup's go in a separate line from the title. [/hider] [hider=Jack] [@R31GN], first time writing with you, but your content is already speaking quality. Jack feels like an average-enough man with several juicy twists. His Pakistani ancestry makes him unique, while the American citizenship integrates him with the group. The leg injury is also reasonable, provides an obstacle that is not negligible while not disabling him completely. His personality paints him as one of those buddies that is chill, honest and prefers to do things hands-on. I like what I'm seeing, and the only thing you could expand on is his faith. He travels with the Quran and prayer beads, so you could talk about how much religion affected him. [/hider] [hider=Julian] [@Lo Pellegrino], Dervish said a lot of nice things about you, and you certainly don't disappoint. I'm sure you know that I run an Elder Scroll RP with Leidenschaft. His character there, [url=]Jorwen[/url], has a lot in common with Jules. Both come from humble beginnings, veteran to multiple conflicts and fathered children who felt abandoned by their lack of presence. It goes to speak about the universal challenge of a soldier. Whether you're a Nord or an African-American, the constant struggle of war wounds and familial duties are reminders that human are flawed creatures. Coming to term with their past, present and future shows character like no other. Your sheet is a fantastic start to a great story. Beside a few typos, you are golden. [/hider] [hider=Charlotte] [@The Survivor], fitting username, eh? A globe-trotting, British archeologist lady; I'm getting a Lara Croft vibe from her. Her family history is well thought-out, however, her personality is a bit on the lighter side. With that said, what I need you to clarify most are her combat skills. Try exploring where and how she acquired fighting techniques. What martial art does she know, when does she go shooting and what kind of sticky situation did these skills save her from? You might also want to put in a different weakness. As it stands, her trio of flaws are very similar in nature and basically comes in a bundle. Your character has a lot of potential, get these changes done and I believe we'll see a more complete Charlotte. [/hider] [hider=Lulu] [@TheMoatedGrange], howdy, fancy havin' you here. Short and sweet, Lulu's sheet is as efficient as it gets. Your descriptions are precise and concise, it's amazing how much info you pack into every sentence. A quick read but I caught all I need to know. Just few minor nitpicks: 5'6 is actually over the average 5'5 American woman, $3 is very little (even in 1969) and the inventory list went above the divider, instead of below. You could also expand on how she met her fiance, though it won't be necessary if you don't feel it's important. [/hider] [hider=Edward] [@POOHEAD189], what do we have here? Dax was an enjoyable character, but I believe you really hit the sweet spot with Edward. You've got everything needed in one package; motivations, flaws, what he could and couldn't do. The only thing I need you to change is the bayonet, since no weapon in inventory is one of the rules. Your character could be developed in many ways, and I am excited to see our nerd boy have the adventure of his life! [/hider] [hider=Isaac] [@Peik], and finally, our heavyweight. Clocking in at 200 pounds of fat and weed, Isaac Graham packs quite the punch with his character. I feel like he is not only faithful to the counter-culture, but a fun satire of the hippie generation as a whole. Mr. Graham gave me more than a couple of chuckles; he got me thinking on the people he represents metaphorically. His appearance measures up, his personality reasonably disgusting and capabilities balanced for what I have in store. This guy is absolutely one to watch. [/hider] Now, feel free to copy/paste into the characters tab once your suggested adjustments are made. I'll hand out the secrets tomorrow and have the intro post in two to three days. Meanwhile, a brief crash scene description is below and tell me if I missed anything. [hider=Crash Scene] Our plane is tracked as flight 122. Impact and explosion destroyed the middle cabin around the wings (the wings themselves are intact). The front half slid into a frozen pond, while the rear stopped at a clearing on the shore. Front cabin buried itself ~45 degrees in, with the cockpit submerged the deepest, under 9 meters/30 feet of water. The surronding is mostly flat with minor slopes, a hill is about 0.65km/0.4mi west. Front (business class): Charlotte, Lulu, Isaac Rear (coach): Athena, Jack, Julian, Edward [/hider] Edit: don't forget your opinions,