[@frapet]Looking forward to it. So far we have 2 knightly characters, 1 lord, 1 rogue, and 2 mages. Also I would like to apologize/explain why my info and posting has been so sporadic. I am currently awaiting to move into a new apartment on July 15th, and until then I am technically homeless and living with my best friend in his guest room. The internet there is not the best. And this weekend (in fact, as I am typing) I am spending it over at my parent home, that has even worse internet, since they are out of town for the 4th and I am watching our dog for them. Also other life things that have been taking up my time. So I have been going back and forth the past few days. I'm off tomorrow though and will be more free to add lore like religion and lesser known races and such. Also I will PM you Sleater when I get the chance...or my parent's internet speeds up.