Review is in [color=39b54a]Green[/color]. [quote=@Hexaflexagon] [hr] [hider=Rin Takahashi] [center][color=darkseagreen][h1]Rin Takahashi[/h1] [sub]“[i]Nana korobi ya oki[/i]” "[i][color=39b54a]ching chong ping ling[/color][/i]".[/sub][/color][/center] [center][color=darkseagreen][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color] [img][/img] [color=darkseagreen][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=darkseagreen][h2][i]Personnel Files[/i][/h2] [sub]Accessible by personnel with a C3 security clearance or upwards.[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Name[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Rin Takahashi[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]overused first name pls[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Aliases[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]N/A[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]boring[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Age[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]17[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]legal in France huehuehue[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Rank[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Chūnin[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Sex[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Female[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Birthplace[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Suna, Sunagakure[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]kitty litter of naruto[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Affiliation[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Jiyuna no Guntai[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]yes moar peeps to kill[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Bloodline[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Takahashi[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]Am on break at work with short time. Won't do the clan part, sheckles joke is way too milked anyway. Plus only Vuur cares about this.[/color] [hider=Takahashi Clan] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [indent]【Clan Name】 [i]Takahashi[/i] 【Customs】 [i]The Takahashi as Rin puts it being as old as the sand that they stand atop of have a very real sense of temporality and change having seen much of the world be shape and reshape since the Sengoku Jidai. Their own customs and beliefs represent this change; over the years they have changed meaning and purpose so many times that while their original purpose has long since been lost, the rituals are performed never the less to an almost religious degree.[/i] 【Special Traits】 [i]The only real noticeable trait of the Takahashi are within their eyes, all born of the bloodline possess iris of the same shade of blue as the sky above, unchained and ever expanding. In terms of hiden or kekkei genkai they do not possess a kekkei genkai of their own, a hiden they do possess, a yang release that can make an object incredibly dense for a very short amount of time. Called very simple Takahashi: Katameru [/i] 【Influences】 [i]The influence of the Takahashi clan is subtle and that is exactly how they like it. To them all news is bad news and the more that people became aware of them, the more that their own goals and interests are harder to achieve. Though if you dig in the right places you can find that they come up surprisingly often, mostly in Sunagakure where about one in every five or so business having taken a loan from the moneylenders that make up the priamry business wing of the clan. This sphere of influence extends more proper into the Hamajō Confederation in the form of something that many people take for granted.. infrastructure. Takahashi moneylenders gave the Confederation a considerable some of money primarily to be used in the creation of bridges and roads that connect the provinces and act as the vital lifelines of the Confederation. The Confederation got the money needed to fund such projects and the Takahashi got the government to give them more or less a blind eye, allowing them to continue business as usual without having to worry about silly things such as government intervention. Despite a strong economic influence and a retaliative good relationship to the ruling government, the Takahashi are not what one would considered a dominate clan. Small in number and preferring very much to be left out of more turbulent affairs. They lack any real motive or means to make sure things go there way. All they wish is to continue to do business and survive as they have for countless years. And to do that they wish to grow comfortably in the garden not be the prized bush that gets plucked for its flowers.[/i] 【Relations】[/indent] [list] [*]None really of importance to speak of [/list] [indent]【History】 [i]As a clan that has been around since Reto first founded Sunagakure many years prior, the history of the Takahashi is a long and winding one. They trace their ancestry backwards through the male line, to one Katsu Takahashi an intelligent young man that was inspired by Reto's strength and passion to join his cause. Katsu for his intelligence and planning skill was given a place on the planning council that would eventually build Sunagakure. From that point forward he served as one of the many lesser advisors up until the point that the Kazekage was assassinated. Disagreeing with Reto's successor Shamon on many things mostly on the extent at which Sunagakure's military should be expended, Katsu was dismissed from his previous position. Katsu found himself in a peculiar position with enough still standing influence to make some money and a free slate to do what he wanted. And so Katsu called in some favors, performed some deals and in a span of some time he found himself with a decent sum of wealth to his name. The young shinobi then began to loan his money out into those in the village that needed it, with the subtext that they of course would pay him back down the line. And so the seed which would sprout the Takahashi Clan had been planted and grow slowly over the years. The clan as time slowly progressed would accumulate more money which they would use to give out more loans to in return gain more money and more favors. It was a cycle of profit that they seemed to be able to feed endlessly as long as they had money to keep the machine running. The people of Sunagakure considering them an odd bunch as they tended to be rather reserved individuals remaining within the walls of their familial compound when not attending to business. But there was no significant bad blood to be spoken of as the Takahashi were always fair in their dealings and never stopped to any thuggish tactics, doing their best to keep an image of purity and respectability about themselves. They help fund the creation of many business and even chipped into the war effort when the time came for them to. In short everything went exactly as it was intended. They did their business and nothing else. By the time of the formation of the Hamajō Confederation, the Takahashi had been around long enough to see the change on the horizon from a mile away. So they did their best to ensure that they could maintain their status and way of life within the new system of rule. Doing this partly through lending support mostly finical towards the Confederation's cause and giving the government substantial lump sums of wealth to do as they may with without asking as much as a penny back in return besides keeping their own peculiar form of independence to do as they wanted. The Confederation was all too happy to take the money and to leave the Takahashi alone to their business. These days the money lending operation and other interests fall under the business arm of the clan in the form of the Takahashi Trust and continues to prosper especially in the more financially developed provinces where economic demand was high. The family continues to do its best to remain out of the spotlight, persisting as they had for what seemed like an eternity at this point. And yet trouble brews even in the most silent houses and the trouble comes in the form of one rebellious daughter that could threaten everything.[/i][/indent][/hider] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Sexuality[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Bisexual[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]slut obv[/color] [center][color=darkseagreen][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=darkseagreen][h2][i]Appearance Descriptions[/i][/h2] [sub]As compiled on basis of the 11th corps intelligence gathering, including pictures[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Appearance[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Rin can most easily be describe as rather plain in appearance. This is a fact that she rather much relishes despite the fact that with her family's money she could look as beautiful or on trend as she wanted. Instead though the girl dresses in simple clothes befitting of a standard street kid mostly in the form of loose fitting tshirts and sweatshirts with some sort of long pants [color=39b54a]fucking hipster[/color]. Shoes are simple sneakers made for long distance running. The clothing generally stays in shades of black and grey with some hints of yellows and whites thrown in when she is really feeling festive. [color=39b54a]so in touch with middle class[/color] In terms of facial structure elfin [color=39b54a]needs moar pointy ears[/color] would be the easiest way to describe her general features with a slender jawline, small nose that leans a little too far to the left and high cheekbones that work together in an odd sort of way. Her hair is black as pitch in color taken from her mother's genetics and falls at about the shoulders. The girl makes no noticeable attempts at trying to keep it tamed as strands seem to go about at their own volition. Framed by these dark locks are her eyes, the tell tale sky blue color as all of the Takahashi Clan bright with a fierce sort of determination. [color=39b54a]cool[/color] In terms of height she has leveled out at 1.75 meters in height [color=39b54a]2 tall[/color] and hovering just around 57 kilograms of weight and about 10% body fat she possess a highly athletic frame befitting of a shinobi expected to push her body to the physical limits in terms of both muscular strength and endurance [color=39b54a]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/color]. She prides herself on her strength and her physical ability spending many countless hours and sleepless nights honing and fine tuning it trying to push herself towards her own ideas of perfection. [/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Height[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]5'9"/1.75[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Weight[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]125/57[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Build[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Rin is built to go the distance both metaphorically and physically. A streamlined body of muscle that works primarily on endurance more than anything else. She is certainly not the strongest shinobi or even Chūnin for that matter nor will she blind others with her speed. But what she does have is tremendous staying power able to take more hits and generally able to just keep on pushing forward where others may have already given in. [color=39b54a][/color] [/i]"i wont give up my friends are counting on me!!!111"[/indent][/indent] [center][color=darkseagreen][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=darkseagreen][h2][i]Psych. reports[/i][/h2] [sub]Medical secrecy applies.[/sub][/color][/center] [center][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Resilient[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Irascible[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Dissonant[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Passionate[/i][/b] ❖[/color][/center] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Personality[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Rin can most easily be described as being somewhat lost in the current point of her life [color=39b54a]confused teen, no wonder she is bi[/color]. She knows what she doesn't want to be, she doesn't want to be like her family willing to roll onto their backs to please whoever happens to be in charge just so that they have a chance of easy living [color=39b54a]hipster rebel??? rebel against the system??? is she vegan???[/color]. She doesn't want to be a perfect little Takahashi child, not doing anything exciting or even remotely fun just because it would damage the family name, she doesn't want to conform her own beliefs and ideas to follow that which the government wants her to. She wants to be something, anything. She just wants to escape really, find a place to be happy, to be able to live her life and do the things she wants do without having to worry about the government or her own family breathing down her back . Freedom is such an odd concept when you are born into a little world surrounded by high walls. [color=39b54a]she needs to get off tumblr yes i agree[/color] The world of course does not look kindly upon her ideas of nonconformity and freedom, and tried to repress such thoughts from seemingly every angle. This resulted in much pent up frustration, frustration... and anger that while usually ends up being directed inwards towards the self for being too weak [color=39b54a]is this the self-harm phase?[/color], too foolish and too afraid. This anger sometimes bubbles over and burst forth in aggressive outward tirades of hate filled speech that could even make the most seasoned of gangsters blush out of modesty [color=39b54a]try me, im french[/color]. The anger is omnipresent, a constant burning only matched by her own wayward thoughts and dreams that runs through her blood and fuels her every action. The anger found its way into fueling her foolhardy determination. Considering most her actions are the equivalent of running headlong into a brick wall, she gets knocked down over and over again. Yet she stands back up and throws herself at the wall again and again and again [color=39b54a]have i ever told you the definition of insanity???[/color]. Her family and those around her called her stupid, a foolish child trying to chase dreams of adventure when she should be content with the rather easy life that was given to her at birth. She seeks to prove them wrong, to keep on chasing after those dreams no matter what happens. To prove all of the wrong and maybe to show that the last few years of her life haven't been a complete waste of time. [color=39b54a]hokage dattebayo[/color] Yet this unbridled passion and determination leads to something of an abrasive personality on Rin's part. Tackless and not knowing when she should hold her tongue, she speaks her mind not matter how confrontational or dare say heretical those thoughts may be [color=39b54a]life expectancy is suddenly pretty low[/color]. She's argumentative and stands up for herself even when the best course of action is to just turn the other cheek. Fights come naturally to her while the diplomatic skill that her family is known for escapes her entirely. What she lacks in tack and forethought though she tries to make up for with sheer pragmatism and tenacity. Though in the end Rin is just a kid. She's a teenager dealing with hormones, social tensions, repression at a family and state level, and unbridled anger issues [color=39b54a]puberty man[/color]. She's still learning about the world and how it works, she's learning whats make up the parts of her that nobody can take away, she's reconfirming her own values and beliefs and in the end she's just trying to figure out her identity, her being[color=39b54a]tween[/color]. She's tired of feeling lost no matter where she goes, desiring something that just escapes the tip of her tongue and dances out of reach.[color=39b54a]confused tween[/color] Or to be put in much more elegant terms than I could ever express it. [i]"yeah she's a rebel ok we got it"[/i] [color=39b54a]wow really maybe she's just hipstering her own fam, give her some square glasses[/color] [/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]History[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i] [sub][b]Childhood[/b]-[/sub] Rin's earliest memories are of hot sand beneath her tiny feet and her mother calling out to her. Or maybe it was a dream she had one day, a dream that over time became almost a permanent as a memory, but no matter. [color=00a651]must've been a shit dream since it was suna in any case[/color] Rin's earliest years were spent in retaliative isolation from the outside world stuck within the confines of her clan's estate within the retaliative heart of Sunagakure. Not of course that she minded all that much being a small child she couldn't really understand that there was a whole entire world beyond the high walls of her family's compound. [color=39b54a]stoopid evil jew clan, havent they seen any liberal cartoons flooding tv????[/color] During these formative years of life, her family did their best in a what would turn out to be failed attempt into shaping Rin into a perfect Takahashi child trained to serve the demands and needs of the clan and nothing more than that [color=39b54a]become the perfect tax evader[/color]. Informal education began almost as soon as Rin was old enough to walk, with her growth and progress following upon a highly developed series of landmarks that should be met by a certain age, like the ability to speak, among others. Of course the young child did not know this, all she knew was that sometimes punished for seemingly no reason at all. Unbeknownst to her it was because she did not hit such landmark it the required period of time. [color=39b54a]this is more absurd than little miss sunshine crap wow gr8 parents[/color] Despite this though Rin's early childhood wasn't the worst thing in the world. Her parents both loved their young daughter [color=39b54a]sure buddy[/color] very much and her older siblings tried their very best to keep her entertained and generally allowing her to have some amounts of fun in between the heavy exceptions placed upon her. She enjoyed the games and the playing much more than the teaching of course and would often even at a young age try and avoid her instructors to instead go play in the garden, only to of course be caught punished and forced to do even more instruction. During this period when Rin was about six years of age, The Confederation came to power and without much of a fanfare came to take control of Sunagakure. Though not much changed in the desert as the desert was left more or less autonomous to do what was needed of it which was more or less don't get in the way of things. [color=39b54a]no one really wanted suna anyway[/color] [sub][b]Academy[/b]-[/sub] Like many within the Takahashi clan, Rin was sent to the academy to begin her first steps to becoming a shinobi. This opened up the young girl to a plethora of new experiences some good and some bad. Rin did well enough academically with the prior training before and during her schooling by her family giving her a simple understanding of many of the concepts and ideas that she was thought. The girl floundered though socially. As it was she never really interacted with kids her age, nor kids of any kind that weren't within her own clan [color=39b54a]two awkward narutos so far, at least you laid off the barbecue sasuke[/color]. It was something that her family's guarded lifestyle didn't do much in the way of preparation for. She was often intimidated by the idea of speaking to others and often withdraw herself and tried desperately to remain by herself even when group work was assigned. Due partly to her withdrawn nature kids began to get the idea of to pick on her, a fact which Rin responded in a very undignified manner by getting into fights with the kids sometimes those much bigger and stronger than her with predictable results [color=39b54a]cyberbully 2 electric boogaloo[/color]. Her parents were of course horrified and reprimanded the child, but the kids continued to pick on her in and out of schooling and so Rin kept on fighting back. At first they beat her easily but as time slowly progressed, she got better and better eventually being able to take down the school yard bullies [color=39b54a]did she also defend the hinata of the yard[/color], making a name for herself and earning the respect of her once aggressors in the processes. Through this Rin had made her first real friends though they happened to be a rather troublesome bunch with surly reputations, they stuck up for one another and they had fun. Soon Rin found herself trying to avoid going home right away after the academy because she dreaded dealing with her parents and wanted to stay with her friends for as long as possible. But pipe dreams of running away and staying away from home were just that, dreams and she evidently found herself returning home, to count down the hours until she got to leave again. [sub][b]Genin[/b]-[/sub] Like most others at the age of twelve she became a genin and her studies moved from the villages small academy to a larger provincial school run directly by the Confederation to begin shaping the young children into warriors for the cause. The change was jarring and the start was rocky as most of her friends were split up and placed within different classes. During all of this, Rin never stop getting in fights with other students sometimes for stupid reasons and others because Rin had the idea in her mind that she was going to be a hero. It was during one of these times that the she met Nobu[color=39b54a]naga[/color]. It was her second month and while walking through the halls she saw a bunch of older kids picking on a young boy about her age [color=39b54a]genderbend hinata[/color]. Being the person that Rin is, Rin ran to the boys aid. Needless to say Rin was beaten pretty heavily but because they were so busy trying to attack the stupid young girl that broke the nose of one of their friends, they forgot all about the boy they were tormenting [color=39b54a]he really is hinata[/color]. That boy's name was Nobu and as Rin would find out as there friendship bloomed that he was one of the many war orphans that survived the massacre of Kirigakure [color=39b54a]which one there were like 69[/color]. These children most of the time displaced and often forgotten about were placed into government institutions all across the provinces. Nobu was one of the lucky one's showing the aptitude and skill required to become a shinobi. The pair quickly became the closest of friends. Nobu was a much diffrent breed of person compared to his compatriot. Reserved, quiet, and always thinking about his next action before he made it [color=39b54a]ehhh close enough to hinata[/color]. He was the ice to Rin's fire and together they seemed to balance each other out. Rin forced the young boy out of his shell a little bit more and pushed him to do things he would never dream of doing. And Nobu for his part in the manner did his best to make sure that Rin made it through her crazy schemes and plans alright and in [h1]one piece[/h1] [color=39b54a]YOHOHO HE TOOK A BITE OF GUMGUM[/color]. He was the voice of reason that she evidently lacked. Though Nobou himself kept something inside that he shared with very few trusted people. Nobou hated the Confederation and all that it stood for, despite reports saying otherwise he knew in his heart it was there shinobi that came and killed all those people in Kirigakure [color=39b54a]oh that one[/color]. He voiced his concerns and complaints to Rin who at first thought that the boy was just a little off. All she knew of the government was the one that seemed to leave most of Sunagakure alone to their own business. The government that gave them schooling and provided food and shelter to those that needed it. [sub][b]Chūnin[/b]-[/sub] Eventually at the age of 15, Rin and Nobou ended up becoming Chūnin. To escape from the grasp of her family, the young Takahashi signed onto assignments as far away from Sunagakure as possible. Eventually she found herself working in Amegakure rooting out the criminals that polluted the streets of the primary province. Nobou found himself working in the outer more docile provinces as his more storied history made him more of a risk. Though Rin would more often than not on her days off go visit Nobou [color=39b54a]i realize he has two different spellings, pls make up your miiind![/color] as in the months prior to becoming Chūnin, their relationship had become more romantic in nature. [color=39b54a]did dey have illegal secks[/color] During one of these night time rendezvous, Nobou told Rin something that would change her life. He said that he had found a contact working with the Jiyuna no Guntai and that he was going to go rogue and join up with the rebel cause to fight those that killed his family. Rin tried to talk him out of it, as even associating with the Jiyuna no Guntai was punishable by life imprisonment at the least. Despite her persistence though Nobou insisted that he would join up with the rebels. [color=39b54a]lemme guess he dies[/color] Life had other plans of course. Rin would find out about a week later that Nobou had died fighting bandits. [color=39b54a]OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH[/color] Killed in the service of the Confederation, a hero to be mourned by one and all. Rin never believed it for a second, she knew what really happened. They had killed him because they found that he was going to desert [color=39b54a]noob[/color]. Then like all the things they did they made his death seem like a good thing that served the cause of their own agenda and story. They killed her the person closet to her because he didn't want to live under the rule of those which killed his family [color=39b54a]baaaawwwwwwwww[/color]. Rin cried [color=39b54a]BAAAWWWWW[/color] for a long long time, but eventually the grief subsided and was replaced with something worse hatred. Hatred towards the government and towards all it stood for. [/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Familial ties[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Rin's relationship with her family is something of a sour note. While she maintains an okay relationship with her siblings, she refuses to talk to her parents and generally tries her best to distance herself as much as she possibly can from the Takahashi name. Of course now after joining up with the Jiyuna no Guntai, she has broken ties with them all together as the Takahashi Clan supports the Confederation in all things. [color=39b54a]lil shit[/color] Susumu Takahashi | Biological Father | 53, Takahashi Compound - Sunagakure, Head of the Takahashi Trust and Takahasi Clan, Rin's father a rather stern man with a good reputation as a Confederation supporter Minori Takahashi | Biological Mother | 51, Takahashi Compound - Sunagakure, herbalist, a kinder individual compared to her husband, she was beautiful once. Ken Takahashi | Brother | 27, Sunagakure, Shinobi, A permanent jokester with a kind heart and a booming voice, certiantly not heir matieral but the one they got. Nana Takahashi | Sister | 25, Sunagakure, Shinobi, Daddy's favorite. Kohaku Takahashi | Brother | 20, Sunagakure, Medical Shinobi, The prodigal son who is everything that Ken is not. Too bad he has no intention of taking over.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Dreams, short term goals, and fears.[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]These days Rin's dreams are a rather simple sort of thing. A new world, a world that she could believe in again. For now though she's thinking smaller picture of course getting revenge and freeing the provinces from the grasp of the confederation. The fears of course come right along as going up against the confederation is damn near suicidal, she fears she is in over head, she fears that she won't be strong enough, she fears that she she is going fail.[/i][/indent][/indent] [color=39b54a]vanilla[/color] [center][color=darkseagreen][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=darkseagreen][h2][i]Combat reports[/i][/h2] [sub]Gathered based on exercises, training routines, and combat experience reports[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [b] [i]Combat style[/i][/b]--[/color][/indent] [indent][i]Rin relies heavily upon an odd mixture of Bōjutsu and Taijutsu supplemented by Ninjustsu. Rin comes from the school of attrition in that she leans heavily upon her own endurance and stamina to with last the fury of blows until the other guy tires himself out, much like a boxer would do. In her mind she does not need to punch harder than her opponent or be faster than them, she just needs to outlast them because the longer they push, the higher the chance is of them making some sort of mistake which than Rin can use to exploit them. Its an awkward dance but a dance that works none the less. [color=39b54a]meta stall omg so gey[/color] The main weakness that comes from her particular style comes in the fact of what she possess in endurance and being able to take the hits that come her way, she lacks in both raw strength and the ability to just throw damage down the field and the speed to outmaneuver her opponents in those fields she's average or even slightly below average in terms of strength.[/i][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [i][b]Ninja techniques[/b][/i][/color][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ [b]A rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=]Kaze no Yaiba[sup]*[/sup][/url] *[sub]Do to Rin still being as Chūnin and not having master the technique yet, the Jutsu is in a much weaker form than portrayed in the show. Firstly its raw mutilating power has gone down a little bit less slicing arms off and more deep painful slashes and cuts. Beside that the blade itself can be seen rather being invisible as the chakara infused wind shimmers about and so can be dodged rather than it being an instant homing beacon of death. Of course it is still a terrifying giant wind sword thing/dagger depending on how you feel like using it so there is that though. [/sub][color=39b54a]k[/color] [color=darkseagreen][i]■ [b]B rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=]Hien[/url] [url=]Doton: Doryūheki[/url] [color=darkseagreen][i]■ [b]C rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=]Fūton: Reppūshō [/url] [color=darkseagreen][i]■ [b]D rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=]Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu [/url] [url=]Kami Shuriken[/url][/indent] [color=39b54a]all k[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen]❖ [i][b]Custom techniques[/b][/i][/color][/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Takahashi: Katameru (Takahashi: Strengthen, though don't quote me on this my knowledge of Japaneses is very much lacking.)[/indent] [color=39b54a]google translate pls[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] B [/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Short to be more specific requires contact to be used. [/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Description[/i][/color] The Takahashi clan's hiden. A yang release that for a very short period of time (think about 20 or so seconds) increase the density of an object by about ten fold. This is used primarily upon weapons to give them an attack a little bit extra kick, or even upon a wall or something to make it be able to withstand a heavy blow. While it can hypothetically be used upon a human body, the results are rather gruesome as the body can't deal with the force once the jutsu wears off, usually rustling in broken bones and other not fun things. To this point though use as a technique to directly attack an enemy is pretty much out of the question mostly due to the fact that holding onto somebody while concentrating on actually using the technique is task is basically impossible to do as the contact must be undisturbed so the enemy twitches just a little bit and it just fizzles not working at all. [color=39b54a]seems balanced, she may want to learn added weight rock jutsu which is the logical continuation of her set[/color] [/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Name[/i][/color] The Monkey Tail[/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Weapon/tool type[/i][/color] Bo Staff[/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Medium-long[/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Description[/i][/color] It's a big stick made out of reinforced wood that Rin uses to hit people really hard with while maintaining some sort of distance, can also be used as a pivot point to unleash some devastating kicks. It hurts even more when she uses her clan's hiden on it. [/indent] [color=39b54a]not a giant pair of scissors so idc[/color] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Name[/i][/color] A bunch of kunai[/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Weapon/tool type[/i][/color] Kunai.[/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Range[/i][/color] All[/indent] [indent][color=darkseagreen][i]■ Description[/i][/color] About twenty in total, they are useful for attacking guys at range and once again pack even a meaner punch once made dense if only for a handful of seconds. Though once made super dense they tend to weigh a lot more as you would imagine so their range drops dramatically from All to Short as they are used mostly in that form as actually close quarters combat type weapons to stab through fleshy flesh. [/indent] [/hider] [/quote] [color=39b54a]Is good, approved.[/color]