[center][hr][hr][h1][color=f26522][b]Cynthia[/b][/color] [b]& [color=82ca9d]Marc[/color][/b][/h1] [/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Gym[/center][hr] [color=82ca9d]"Jacob,private charters still have to have records. The airport you took off from, the one you landed at, what runway, who was your pilot, and so forth. Give Tim the name of the airport you landed at and the name of the company you chartered the plane from so we can check,"[/color] Marc said as he kept looking at the images and reports that were coming in on the PDA tablet Tim had handed him. [color=f26522]"Oh snap! What do you mean snap? I mean Marc just shut him down. He did? Well yeah. How? By totally pulling his whole FBI thing. Okay yeah. That was sweet. I don't know about that. Of course you do. You sure? Well if I am sure, you are sure. Oh right."[/color] Cynthia and her normal rambling was beginning up again and only ceased as she shoved another handful of popcorn in her mouth. "Yes Jacob, you were," Tim said as he pointed to the image of all of the superlatives together. Seeing Jacob begin to text and then walk off Tim perked a brow and followed the man at a distance to see where he was going. He was not about to let him out of his sight right then. Marc on the other hand just stood there, glancing over as the phone was laid on the table and leaning over to take a peek at it. [center]Jacob Blackwell >> Shiyomi Katakana: Did you ever destroy that box of things from during High School i asked you to do? Shiyomi Katakana >> Jacob Blackwell: No? We moved it to a lockup in town with the rest of your stuff when we cleared your bedroom. Why was their any reason it needed to be destroyed? [/center] Now that was interesting. Marc pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the texts before slipping it back into his pocket. Shaking his head a bit he looked over at Tuesday as she showed up. Keeping quiet until she made the comment about murder. [color=82ca9d]"Actually, we have had three murders in the last twenty-four hours,"[/color] Marc said as he crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Tuesday. [color=82ca9d]"So here comes the standard set of questions for everyone arriving late to the party. When did you get to town, where were you from 4p.m. yesterday until now, and did you have access to your sisters prom dress?"[/color]