[quote=@Turbowraith] Here's my CS. Hope it ain't too shit. [hider=The Irate Skeleton]Name: Only responds with [b]"AARGH!"[/b] when asked. Is usually referred as The Irate Skeleton, or simply The Skeleton Appearance: A towering, thick-boned skeleton, walking in a slight, perpetual hunch, this undead creature is nothing less than a being of pure, unadulterated rage. It's eye sockets are somehow twisted into a shape that reveal its' intentions, and his intentions are none other than being really, REALLY f@$%ing angry. Its' only garments are hides fashioned into a kilt, thick, heavy boots and gauntlets, and even though age-old and time-worn, they do display a noticeable degree of craftsmanship originating from the northern regions. When it comes to armor, he wears nothing other than a pair of slightly oversized shoulderplates, a helm, and two round wooden shields strapped on his back. Race: Undead (skeleton) Class: He beats sh!t with his fists. Attributes: +Very fast movements and reaction speed. +Strong as sh!t. +Insanely durable. +/-Two and a half meters tall, a.k.a. Big motherf@ker. -Slow footspeed. -Holy magic hurts him very, very bad. -Healing/life magic either hurts him or leaves him unaffected. -Always angry. All the time. Subtlety and using anything but force to solve a problem are concepts all but alien to him. -May be sort of smart, but too angry for it to show, matter, or have any practical application. Basically enraged to the point of stupidity. -May become more of a burden than an aid to others. Powers: The Skeleton claims that he's able to [b]"PUNCH EVERYTHING."[/b] And while whether or not the statement's exaggerated is up for debate, one thing's for certain. Creatures and things that would logically be unpunchable recoil back when the Skeleton strikes them. Slime monsters are seen rubbing their heads in defeat and even ghosts are left with black eyes. That's not to say that his punches become any stronger, though. The nature of this ability remains a mystery, though it is believed by observers that the sheer willpower displayed by The Skeleton has conjured some kind of crude magical effect. Equipment: Iron knuckle dusters, shoulderplates, helm, shields and the friends he'll make along the way. Motivation: A complete mystery. It is unknown if The Skeleton has any motives at all, though he can be heard screaming profanity as if he just committed a massive blunder even when he thinks he's alone. Background: Honestly, there's not much to say. After haunting a cemetery of some small, nondescript village, he was eventually annoyed by the other ghosts and ghoulies so much that he decided to wander the countryside instead. Not before giving a good beating to some of them.[/hider] [/quote] You can PUNCH GHOSTS. There is no way this can be shitty.