[@Alisdragon911] After putting his stuff down in his room, Kaiden walked back out to explore a little. He came across the buffet area after a while. As he came closer, he also caught the scent of a wild cat, female to be exact. [i]Maybe I should go meet this person. [/i] He entered the room and began exploring a bit again until he found her by the chef. He decided to be playful and pretend not to notice her. He went to sit at alone at a table. [@Sapphire] "It's fine, cats don't bother me at all." Vile said, still trying to keep up the act best he could. "And my name is...um...," He looked around for some other word to use as his name. "...Vaugan." He tried make the name sound as convincing as possible. [i]She seems rather friendly and the nice ones [b]usually[/b] aren't to hard to manipulate.[/i] He put an emphasis on 'usually' in his thoughts.