[quote=@gcold] [hider=Julian] [@Lo Pellegrino], Dervish said a lot of nice things about you, and you certainly don't disappoint. I'm sure you know that I run an Elder Scroll RP with Leidenschaft. His character there, [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3112146]Jorwen[/url], has a lot in common with Jules. Both come from humble beginnings, veteran to multiple conflicts and fathered children who felt abandoned by their lack of presence. It goes to speak about the universal challenge of a soldier. Whether you're a Nord or an African-American, the constant struggle of war wounds and familial duties are reminders that human are flawed creatures. Coming to term with their past, present and future shows character like no other. Your sheet is a fantastic start to a great story. Beside a few typos, you are golden. [/hider] [/quote] I am very glad to be chosen for Cold Front! This is a fresh idea that I expect will push Julian as well as the rest into intriguing places. It's always good to hear you enjoyed Julian, as I mentioned, I went through a few major shifts in developing him to get to this point. In fact, the first draft would have submitted his son Francois, but as I'm sure Derv or Shaft can attest, I have an affection for older characters and all the complexities that come with them. Funny you mention Shaft's Jorwen. I noticed a while ago that Shaft and I have a similar taste in characters in terms of what we find compelling and worth exploring. It's funny how we're all such different people with unique backgrounds, but you can find those points where our tastes match well. I have seen your TES game and if I didn't stick to 1-2 games at a time I would probably draft a character there as well! I really appreciate the sense of community and look forward to seeing that here too. It'll also be refreshing to see the same commitment to story development and the characters in a landscape outside of TES. Interesting stories on the horizon indeed!