[@Keksalot] Actually that reminds me, there was a second point I wanted to raise. Pighead's ability to nullify any and all super abilities, how does it work? The DC universe is what TV Tropes describes as a [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FantasyKitchenSink]fantasy kitchen sink[/url]. There is no unified source for 'superpowers' in DC, so how could one source to nullify powers work on all of them? How could one ability stop the Flash from accessing the speedforce while also blocking Green Lanterns willpower based light constructs. Then there's the question of what's classed as a super ability and whats not. Superman's abilities look wondrous to us, but they're bog standard powers for a Kryptonian under a yellow sun. Does that mean that he's beyond Pighead's capacity to affect, as Kal-Els super-abilities are merely abilities to him? [@Divine Darkness] I can definitely get behind somebody representing the king of the seas! [@Lord Wraith] I'm just waiting for someone to apply as B'wanna Beast. He's always a fan favorite. [sub]Hint hint [@Hillan].[/sub] [@Chaotic Chao] Which Wally? New Wally or Wally classic? This took off quicker than I imagined. I'm working on an OOC at the moment, but in case anyone would like to start working on their characters in the meantime I've added a sample CS to the first post in this thread. No guarantee that's exactly what the finished product is going to look like, but it'll give you a good working platform to begin with.