[h3]Eli[/h3] [color=f26522]“uh”[/color] Eli froze. Before her was a person who was ever so kindly looking to help her. But she was a person, and Eli had finished deciding how she was supposed to have even asked for help let alone respond to an offer! Eli felt her brain stutter to a halt; she hadn’t had a chance to rehearse anything! [color=f26522]“um.”[/color] She threw a pleading glance down at Lutana. Lutana, being a Pokémon who was unable to speak human, was only able to look between his trainer and the other one trying to encourage Eli to think faster and speak. Lutana then looked up to the Haunter and tried to explain the situation, as best one good with their mouth full. After what felt like ages Eli felt her brain finally start up again and was halfway through saying “Yes please”, which then very quickly became a bad word after someone walked into her from behind sending the very full boxes of cables tumbling out of her grasp and onto Lutana. [color=f26522]“Lutana!”[/color] Eli cried. Thankfully Lutana had only been slightly dazed by the heaps of cables now covering him.