[@BlackSam3091] Oh, i've thought about it. Basically, it is an extremely hi-tech alien device which complexity borders on being magical, previously employed by an ancient gladiator champion in the coliseums of an eldritch precursor race in order to even out his chances with much more powerful opponents. It is basically an extrelemy bulky Pip-boy-like computer fused with my guy's wrist and posessing a horribly, mind-bogglingly convoluted interface with a thousand minute buttons - luckily, it seems that the system came with an auto-translator - and two screens. In order to activate the device one must input the sort and nature of power the target uses (it supports up to three variables at the same time) onto one screen and the name of species to the level of which the target must be brought down on second, after which the device projects a field that denies the use of listed powers - this second screen is as of now locked to the "Baseline Human" setting with no obvious way to change it whilst the first is free to be edited. Obviously to get the most out of this thing one must do his homework and collect lots of intel on his opponents, but that price does not outweigh the benefits, if one manages to find the right button in time. I am still thinking about how he came into posession of it and what sort of alien horrors might come to try and take it back. The alpha version is that he stole it from a very rich and influental (and also highly illegal) collector of oddities during his days as just another F-level villain with a dumb gimmick and now can't give it back even if he wanted to, seeing as it literally grew into him.