[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] Standing in a doorway wasn't the smartest move, unless one needed to make a quick exit. Rain was in two minds as to whether she did or not, for one thing she hadn't a clue what she'd walked into and another was she didn't possess the tools to deal with it. She could wear the dress but she wasn't sure she could walk the walk. Folding an arm under her chest, she lifted her other hand up to her face, pressing her index finger against her lower lip as she took in the scene before her. Turning her head to glance at Aurelia to see how she was doing...she was clearly nervous, the dwindling gap between them made it easier for Rain to sense it. The yelling seemed to especially set her on edge...it had quite the opposite effect on Rain. Subconsciously perking up, her eyes focused on the small group of people off to the side of them. Two of which she remembered seeing at the assembly, the other two she couldn't place. Simply observing seemed like the best thing to do at that moment, especially when Carmen was in the middle of having, what could only be described as the most elegant tantrum Rain had seen, about the music being changed. Trying very hard not to smile at Carmen's display, the werewolf was forced to hide her disobedient mouth behind her hand as she swiftly stepped aside to allow the skylark to breeze past her and out the door with Lily in tow. [color=skyblue]"...Wow"[/color] Was the only word, Rain felt safe uttering aloud [color=lightseagreen][i]'Be still my beating heart'[/i][/color] [color=skyblue]"That was quite...something"[/color] She added with a shake of her head as she glanced around at Aurelia. [color=skyblue]"I'm guessing the aim of the game here is to talk to people...do you know anyone else here?"[/color] She asked, deciding it was probably the best way forward for the time being. [color=skyblue]"We could go find them, from what I can see you'll be perfectly safe here as long as you don't touch the music"[/color] She assured the dark haired girl. [color=skyblue]"Everyone seems really...placid"[/color] It was passing comment that was timely proven false as the most peculiar thing happened. As Ayane suddenly flung Criston, like a rag doll, across the room at Ryuu. It was so unexpected that Rain's arm flinched out in an attempt to shield Aurelia...from what she couldn't tell you, it just kind of happened. [color=skyblue]"...spoke too soon"[/color] She murmured. Rain was used to being in a 'charged' environment, the chilled atmosphere of the academy was completely unfamiliar to her, so much so that the slightest hint of familiarity seemed to evoke an immediate reaction within her. The human canonball event, was just enough to send a burst of adrenaline through her veins and wet her appetite for violence. For the most part she kept that nugget of information under her belt, but her eyes did change color as they followed Criston's flight across the room. [color=skyblue]"I was starting to think humans were dull...no offense....But that's not something you see everyday...right?"[/color] She asked Aurelia, for lack of a better thing to say or do.