The elevator doors opened, and strutting out was the guest of the day, Derek Nally. Following shortly behind in a much less flashy manner was Russel. [color=cyan]"To the right, I don't know if sound check started but... Oh, of course there are 90 people in the booth at the moment. That's totally how you check levels."[/color] he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. At least some of them were heading out, it seemed. None of them happened to be the DJ he was looking for, however. "I like how lively this place is, so much energy, unh!" He loudly grunted and winked at everyone in the room with a swing of his hips and a click from his tongue. [color=cyan]"Uh, ah, YEAH! This is what it's like here at Goldenrod Radio tower. Like this all the time. And you all... uh, can stay and watch as we sound check Mr. Nally, like we usually definitely do."[/color] Russel said with a terrible fake calm voice, looking at those that remained in the sound booth. He looked to Gaia in particular with a look of distress and confusion, his buizel simply ignoring everything and trying to get everyone to pet him. [color=cyan]"Gaia, get ready, Nally likes to yell so you're going to have to do a bit of adjusting from time to time. Ready Mr. Nally?"[/color] the man in the tight suit said, adjusting the microphone to be near, but not too near the mouth of the guest. "I'm always ready, hot stuff." He said, stroking Russel's chin seductively. Russel just grinned awkwardly. [@Thundercrash][@Rune_Alchemist][@Bourgeoisie][@PatrickDrummer]