[center][img] https://s31.postimg.org/425w8mukr/IMG_20160621_150937.jpg [/img] [h1][color=LightBlue]Rayne[/color][/h1] [/center] [list] Location: [*]Drum Island [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@Renny] [*][@Ira] [*][@cannedbread] [*][@nachobachopacho] [*][@JmerlRobot] [*][@RyoRyoRyoken] [*][@hillan] [*][@bctheentity] [/list] [hr][hr] Steam began to not only envelope the surface of the sea, but the island. Thick fog wafting through the tress and debris. Maybe he had used a bit to much fire? Rayne was on guard, watching his surroundings the best he could, soon it was apparent that only his Haki would help him in this situation. For a few moments, he could sense nothing, and he could only hear the ripping apart of tree bark. Chest contracting, Rayne slowly lowered his defenses. After a massive battle like this, who was ready to fight? As if on que, a massive hand appeared flat on the ground, palm upwards. Almost instantly Rayne was ready to burn it to ashes, but he hesitated. The hand was wooden. Rayne's eyes widened as he quickly realized what was going on. While Bogard was hyperventilating, he took the opportunity to step onto the hand, dragging the Red Hood along with him. Quickly, the hand rushed up into the air, cutting through the fog like a knife. Falling on one knee, Rayne struggled to stay on, his body weakening with each passing moment. Without warning, the hand dropped them off on the Red Hoods ship, which was surrounded by his steam. Amazingly, the whole crew had gathered on the ship, ready to leave. Frowning though, Rayne found himself thinking about Comnai. If Marxo was actually thier captain, they would have escaped if he actually assisted instead of licking his wounds. Rage and pain ran through his veins, Melany had been the one to dress his broken arm. Jumping into action, Rayne took matters into his own hands. Limping over to the quarterdeck, he held his hand out towards the sea. He had enough of this island one month. Taking one last look at what was left of his former prison, Rayne gritted his teeth and summoned the last of his power. He lifted his other hand, having it point behind him. Suddenly a condensed yellow stream rocketed behind him, at the same time a massive burst of fire was realised from the front. The sudden burst of energy threw the boat forward, launching it at speeds that many hadn't seen before. [color=LightBlue]"F2 (Flame Force)."[/color] Soon, the ship would be out of sight, the blanket of steam covering their escape. Rayne had no idea where he launched the to, but soon they were in open sea, and he had lost himself in the murky depths of his own mind.