[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hOwCSMJ.png[/img][/center] [h3]Midtown - Under Gotham Gardens[/h3] The nights were lonely and quiet. There was no one really to talk to. Her strange, and arguably stronger, connection to plants led her to talking with them even though they could not respond back with any real intelligent thought. Since reviving Ivy had been busy trying to recover herself. Physically she was perfectly fine, younger even. But there was still a lot of her past missing. So much she didn't know. And apparently in her absence one of her biggest foes had passed away. This potentially left a huge opening for her. However it seemed that others that were already better prepared had made their move. Somehow hearing about Batman's passing left yet another hole in her heart. The feeling was difficult to explain, like a lingering memory that she couldn't get a grasp of. There had been a lot of that lately. So far she'd had little contact with anyone. Her initial attempt was thrown back in her face as she learned that people hated her. She was almost captured once before going into hiding. The fighting of villains didn't really concern the woman much. While most of the lab she'd woken up in was destroyed she had recovered some of her research. There was quite a bit she no longer understood but enough of it outlined the chemicals she needed to better grow and mutate her plants. Unfortunately that meant getting her hands dirty to steal what she needed. S.T.A.R. Labs was in the same district and looked to be the best place for her to hit. Exactly what she would find was anyone's guess. [hr] [h3]Midtown - S.T.A.R. Labs[/h3] Making use of the nearby plant life the young woman could already tell that the security was pretty tight. The place surely had been targeted before given its credentials. But everything has its weaknesses. In this case it was time. Over the last several days Ivy had been using the roots of plants to spread into the tiny cracks in the foundation and breaking it up to make it easier to breach. Though that was plan B, because why reveal your best option right waya? Going through the front door sounded a lot easier anyway. This way she could hopefully get in, grab what she wanted, and get back out before anyone showed up. And if that failed she had a back door. Whilst the Cluemaster and Riddler provided sufficient distraction vines and a large pod rose up from the ground in front of the lab. Rushing forward they punched through and crushed the doors in their path. A guard ran to break in with his gun drawn. The bullets didn't phase the vine much other than to agitate it. Grabbed and swept off his feet the man was tossed outside several yards away like a toy. Several others met a similar fate or were pinned to a wall and had overgrowth restrict their movement. The immediate threat neutralized the pod opened up and Ivy stepped out. She strolled by the guards who could only watch helplessly. Luckily she seemed to have no interest in harming them. Now began the part that would take the most time, actually finding what she wanted. Ivy did not know the layout and had to search to find some of what she wanted. Wasting precious time breaking open doors and lockers she started grabbing everything she could get her hands on when it looked like she was on the right track. Rumor was that new heroes were popping up and she really didn't want to deal with that. This far in she didn't have as much use of the vines reaching in from outside.