[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://sweatpantsandcoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/6-Z-Nation-Season-Two-Episode-Ten-S2E10-Grand-Canyon-Addy-Vasquez-Anastasia-Baranova-Matt-Cedeno.jpg[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] With the diversion team.[/center][hr] Bryn had done her duty, drawing the dead towards them as they made their way out of the gates. There were one too many meaningful looks passed between people in this town and she wasn't a fan of it. She may not communicate a lot, but she knew that non-verbal communication in front of strangers never bode well for the stranger. And in this scenario she was the stranger. A slight frown played on her face and she played her part in the plan without a complaint. As the truck screeched to a stop, Bryn parked her bike up beside the truck, the side away from the Snarlers, and hopped off per the gents instructions. She hopped up into the bed and grabbed a spear, repeating the actions of James as she tied up and off and held the spear steady as she was told. She looked back to Zoie and then flinched as the damn plan actually seemed to be working! The band had been expected but the mass light had hurt her eyes slightly, but fortunately she had been looking away some when it had went off. She blinked a couple times as she jumped off the truck and hopped back onto Grace. She revved the engine, drawing as much attention as was possible from the impending doom of zom-pede and continued to draw them away as per the plan. This chick was fucking crazy, and honestly, Bryn kind of liked it.[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Fr[/color][color=82ca9d]id[/color][color=tomato]ick[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/rv4zhbLVbtDDa/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Infirmary[/center][hr] Richard saw Zoie jumping on the back of a truck and he heard her calling out to him but he didn't fully register her words due to the blood pounding in his ears. She was actually going out and doing something fucking crazy [i]again[/i]. And he was in no state to stop her. He groaned and spat on the ground in sheer frustration at the situation. If Lorna and Maria weren't already dead, he'd be planning how to get his payback on them, but they were dead. So there was no use wasting energy planning shoulda couldas. He looked up as he heard a new but familiar voice talking to him. He chuckled a little at her words, but there was a sour note behind the tune of his laughter that would be clear to Astrid. [color=tomato]"Could say that, girl is gonna turn that patient Doc into a sociopath, I tells ya."[/color] He shrugged his not so bruised shoulder slightly and grimaced through the pain that shot through his arm. [color=tomato]"Nice t'meet ya Astrid. Bridgette, unique names there. I'm Richie, or Dick to big Froggy in there and Honkey Tonk to 'Country Chick' as ya call her. Call me whatever ye want just not Richard if ya will."[/color] He rolled his eyes and smirked a little, even if it was a bit bitter. [color=82ca9d]"Richard it is then,"[/color] she said as she glanced around and took in what was going on around them. Hearing the booms going on outside she had to smirk a bit. Seemed that country chic had a way of making herself known. Granted if they were trying to move the hoard away from the town, that was a useful skill to have. [hr][center][h2]Meanwhile in the infirmary...[/h2][/center][hr] Victor actually stopped what he was doing as he heard the silly woman [i]continuing to interrupt him[/i]. He dropped everything he was doing and turned to stare at her with his mouth agape in sheer and utter confusion at the stupidity that she was displaying. I was a good thing that Richard was not in the infirmary at this moment because Victor officially lost his shit. [color=khaki]"Vous êtes un enfant putain! Si je devais tout sens, je vous expulser d'ici! Je suis putain malade et fatigué d'être remis en question à chaque occasion! Pourquoi les gens ne peuvent tout simplement se taire et de me laisser faire mon putain de travail?! Ma patience est parti. Tout cela grâce à vous, enfant. Félicitations à vous. On t'a bercé trop près du mur? Je devrais vous frapper. Ou je ne serai jamais avoir la paix et de calme pour sauver la vie de cette femme."[/color] His native tongue rolled out of him faster and faster as the volume of his voice rose higher and higher. He was turning red in the face, the sheer arrogance and ignorance of this woman was unbelieveable! He felt his hands shaking and clenched them tightly into fists. His nostrils flared as he stepped closer and closer to this tiny little woman. He towered over her and honestly, in this moment, he looked terrifying.[hr][center][h2]Back outside...[/h2][/center][hr] That's when Richard heard the screaming happening. He thought he was imagining it at first but that definitely sounded like Froggy. Astrid perked a brow at the screams and shook her head, seemed that someone was having one hell of a fit. One worthy of Bridgett even. [color=tomato]"Eh, I'll introduce ya soon but I think we's gots a Frog 'bout ready t'splode. Be right back."[/color] With that, Richard quickly hobbled off towards the Courthouse and made his way inside. Astrid figured why the hell not and turned on her heels, following Richard and holding the door open for him before she continued on her way as they headed for the sound of the screaming. She didn't speak French but the tone was more than she needed to hear to know that the one that Richard called Froggy was not happy in the slightest. [color=82ca9d]"Wonder what set him off,"[/color] she pondered out loud as she stepped in front of Richard slightly and held the OR door open for him to head inside, following him quickly as the door swung closed behind them. Richard gave a curt nod to Astrid as she held the doors open for him. He hated being helpless but he didn't care enough right now. Hi main concern was seeing to Froggy so that Daisy Duke didn't give him an earful later for not watching out for him. He walked into the infirmary, hearing the words of venom dripping from Froggy's lips. Well fuck even if he couldn't understand him, he knew that this was bad news. [color=tomato]"The fuck did ya do to piss off the fuckin' doctor?!"[/color] Richard hobbled over to Neisha and looked her up and down before glancing over to Victor. Astrid stood there perking a brow a bit as she watched the look on the doctors face and then Richard pipping up into the little tiff. Well this was interesting to say the least, seemed the red head had been running her mouth enough to tick off the man. Granted she didn't know how hard it was to really make the man angry, for all she knew he could be set off by anything but still; in this day and age you didn't piss off doctors, they were too few nd far between. [color=khaki]"Casse toi!"[/color] He practically spat the final words at Neisha as he threw his hands up into the air and waved them away, as if directing her to leave. He walked over to the medical cabinets and containers and began to lock them all up, one by one before standing beside Sophia and looking to Neisha once more. He was still red in the face but his voice was slightly calmer, if a little aggressive sounding. Clearly the arrival of Richard had caused him to cool his jets some. [color=khaki]"You 'ave two choices; Come 'ere and do this by yourself or get the fuck out of 'ere and let me do my fucking job!"[/color] He stood with his arms crossed over his chest and he glowered angrily at the red haired woman. [color=82ca9d]"Well, unless you're a doctor, I would probably suggest leaving before the poor girl dies,"[/color] Astrid stated in a clam but flat tone. For her she really couldn't care one way or the other. It wasn't herself or Bridgette on the table. Astrid had done what she could to get the girl to safety and make sure she didn't turn. Her job was done, she didn't have the skills to do anything else, therefor it wasn't her worry. Richard had never imagined he'd ever hear the Doc swear, nevermind lose his cool but it had happened. Scowling, Richard felt the blood pulsing through him more and more. He was mad. He was angry at Zoie for putting herself in danger. He was angry at the three muska-tardos for beating the shit out of him, He was mad at being helpless. He was mad at these people being fucking idiots. He was mad that he had lost people today, even if he didn't like them all that much. He needed to let it all out and unfortunately for this chick, she'd pushed the last of his buttons today. Spinning on the spot, Richard brought his clenched fist up and around to clock Neisha square on the jaw on the left side of her face. That got Astrid to cock a brow in surprise but she just stood there watching. She wasn't about to jump in the middle of a fight that wasn't hers. He wasn't proud about hitting a woman, but she was going to cause her friend to die and, frankly, Richard was having none of that. The force of his fist caused her to fall backwards and she was out cold. Her body sprawled onto the seat that Richard had asked her to take not long before and he wrinkled his nose as he realised what he had done. He could feel the pain in his ribs and wondered if he'd made it worse. The pain wasn't searing anymore but that didn't mean he couldn't have done something he wasn't aware of. His face was like fizz and he looked to Victor and Astrid before shaking his fist out from the hit. [color=tomato]"Well someone had to shut her the fuck up."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Well that was interesting,"[/color] Astrid quipped as she looked around the room and grabbed a few zip ties that were laying on the counter from people tieing up the other person being held prisoner right then; figuring when the girl wakes up it would only get worse if she wasn't restrained. Leaning down she secured her ankles, then her wrists in front of her. For good measure she gagged her, the woman's mouth had be what set this whole thing off wasn't it? Astrid took a look at her, she seemed okay if not just knocked out and would probably wake up in a few minutes. Dragging her out of the way and along the wall she dusted her hands off and looked back at the two men. [color=82ca9d]"So, gonna finish taking care of the one handed wonder now?"[/color] Victor raised a brow at Richard's reaction but said nothing. He watched as the viking woman began to hog tie and gag the bothersome woman and, once she was removed from his general area, Victor let out a breath of relief. [color=khaki]"Merci beaucoup."[/color] He gave a gentlemanly nod towards Astrid and a firm nod to Richard before continuing his work on the handless patient before him. He did all he could and ensured that she had the correct dosage of antibiotics required for such a shock to her body. He added a little morphine into the mix to help her sleep easier, but not too much. It was too valuable to overuse right now. Richard let out a breath of relief and realised that just hitting something, sorry, [i]someone[/i] helped him to feel a little better. Didn't say much for his current state of mind but it certainly helped him to not want to kill someone. That much was for sure. He looked over at Astrid and smirked. [color=tomato]"Thanks for the hand. Don't right think I coulda done nothin' there. Here's hopin' she doesn't try t'kill me when she comes 'round."[/color] Astrid nodded towards the men and adjusted the strap of her shield a bit, situating it better on her shoulder before leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms over her chest. [color=82ca9d]"No worries. Rather have her hog tied and gagged than waking up and causing even more problems,"[/color] she said as she stood there, looking down and picking at her nails a bit. She figured she would stay in there for a bit, see if the girl woke up. Richard might have knocked her out but if the woman really tried to cause an issue once she woke up she doubted he was in condition to deal with the way he was hobbling about. The Doc may have but you didn't let doctors handle the brawls, they were there for patch ups. Victor ignored the exchange between the two and continued his work. He ensured the wound was clean, sterilised and bandaged appropriately before busying himself around with mixing more antibiotics for later use. He hoped that this amputation had been enough to save this poor girl's life. Satisfied that nothing else was going to kick off, Richard grabbed his wheelchair and settled himself back into it again. He looked between Victor and Astrid and then realised he'd forgotten something. [color=tomato]"Oh, Doc, this is Astrid. Astrid this is Doc, or Froggy, or if you're feeling fancy, Victor."[/color] Victor glanced up and gave a quick wave and smile before diving back to his work. Richard just shook his head and sighed. [color=82ca9d]"Froggy? That is an... Interesting nickname. Makes me curious to how you got it,"[/color] Astrid interjected as she was properly introduced to the man. She had a couple of ideas, random as they may be. Like he speaks French, French like Frog Legs right? So Froggy? Yeah, that could be it. Most nicknames though had a reason behind them even if it was just irony. Victor looked up and quirked a brow. [color=khaki]"I am a bit busy at the moment. Best to ask Miss Zoie. She is the one who gave me it after all."[/color] A small smile spread across his face as he got back to work.[hr][center][sub][color=ed1c24]*Rolls for Neisha getting hit, knocked out cold and Richard's injuries being affected by the punch were all rolled by Lady A and this post has been pre-approved by her before posting.[/color][/sub][/center][hr]