[center][img]http://www.textspace.net/img/1467599040_8f9dd7b2_1467599972.gif[/img][/center] "That's a new one on me, kid." Zero heard Grant's gruff response, but had no time to say anything else before he realized that at least two of the people down there were the cape-wearing variety. A boy and girl? It was hard to tell from this distance, but one of them definitely seemed more feminine, having a smaller frame than either the boy or cop seemed to indicate as much. Speaking of the possible girl, she fired a grappling gun of all things and climbed her way up to the roof across the road. Where or how she obtained a thing like that was the least of Zero's questions, as her climb gave Zero the opportunity to notice a subtle unevenness in her movements. Was she injured? Again, it was difficult to say for sure from this distance. When Zero's figure suddenly sprinted to the edge of the roof and made a quick jump, Grant's gruff voice barked in his earpiece, "The hell are you tryin-" but it quickly became clear what he intended. Rather than actually make a full jump, Zero created a small structure below his feet, one that resembled a ski-ramp of sorts. Letting the slick of the ice build up his momentum, he used that to just barely make over to the roof across the street. As per usual, the ramp he made quickly melted into water that dropped down to the streets below once Zero's feet left it. Now finding himself getting a much better look at the girl, who at that point was lying on her back and staring up the sky, Zero could tell she was injured without a doubt. "Hey there, you look like you could use a doctor." Zero said to her, making sure he could heard if his presence wasn't already known to her. He couldn't tell her age thanks to her mask. Speaking of that, Zero made sure his eyes emitted a icy blue glow so as to help hide his own identity since his mask didn't cover his whole face like hers appeared to, "I can get you to someone who can patch you up without taking off your mask if you like, that is, if you don't mind trusting me for a bit." "Hey! Don't even think about-" a gruff voice could be audibly heard even from those not wearing Zero's earpiece. Yeah, Grant was that loud. However, Zero switched it off before the voice could finish whatever their protest was going to be. "Um... ignore him. He may be a bit of a cranky old man, but I promise he can patch you up if you need it." Zero smiled, trying to be as sincere as possible. Naturally it was difficult earn the trust of another who wore a mask for a reason, but still, that didn't mean some of them couldn't become friendly if they just tried. His earpiece started beeping in his ear, though only he could hear it. Grant was trying reopen their communication. So, Zero switched it on and turned away briefly. "What now? I'm trying to-" "Get your ass over to Midtown, pronto! Scanner just picked up a robbery in progress at S.T.A.R. Labs, and someone mentioned a sudden case of overgrown weeds all over the place. Sound familiar?" Zero turned back to address the girl again, "Looks like I'm needed in Midtown. Just... try not to overdo it too much, okay? There's a place in Midtown, a gym called "Grant's Proving Ground". Like I said, he's a crabby old man but he'll patch you up if ask him nicely. Be careful out there!" that last bit, Zero had to raise his voice a bit since he'd already taken off, using a similar means to get around to the other roofs, all while making his way in the direction of Midtown, destination: S.T.A.R. Labs.