[hider=Daiki Tsume] [center][color=red][h1]Daiki Tsume[/h1] [sub]“[i]I don't mean to sound rude, but you're looking a little dead[/i]”[/sub][/color][/center] [center][color=red][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/04a5fbc3e674e02f6848e598d829d76a/http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk39/sqdwfe1/anime%20ninjas_samurais_%20fighters%20_warriors/coolninjaman.jpg[/img] [color=red][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=red][h2][i]Personnel Files[/i][/h2] [sub]Accessible by personnel with a C3 security clearance or upwards.[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Name[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Daiki Tsume[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Aliases[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]N/A[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Age[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]16[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Affiliation[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Jiyuna no Guntai[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Rank[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Chūnin[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Sex[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Birthplace[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Suna, Sunagakure[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Bloodline[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Tsume[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Sexuality[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Bisexual[/i][/indent][/indent] [center][color=red][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=red][h2][i]Appearance Descriptions[/i][/h2] [sub]As compiled on basis of the 11th corps intelligence gathering, including pictures[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Appearance[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Daiki has a rather peculiar appearance, not necessarily due to how he looks but how he looks in relation to where he was born. He has rather pale skin, which is already a rather odd thing considering the harsh heat of the Suna deserts, and purple/reddish eyes, which has prompted some people to believe that he wasn't truly born in Sunagakure. His ears, mouth, and nose are normal, tending towards the small side, but aren't out of place on him at all. One of the most curious features on his face are his canine teeth, (which not many people get to see due to the obvious cloth that covers the bottom portion of his face) which are quite a bit sharper and longer than that of most of the people around him (no, he's not a vampire or anything of the sort). The other curious feature on his face is around his left eye, which he usually keeps covered with his long hair that drapes over half of his face, you see, he has two noticeable gashes around his eye (from when he was a child) that didn't cost him that eye but hurt him internally (more of than in the history). Daiki is a lean boy with very noticeable (but not big) muscles from his earliest days when he had to work carrying lots of merchandise for various merchants. He doesn't have any tattoos or markings on his body, but he does have a lot of scars all over his hands from the various sharp and heavy pieces he would have to carry. His arms are longer than is to be expected, in contrast to his legs, which are a lot more average for his body size. He wears a very dark judoki-type suit with a cloth covering his neck and bottom half of his face, along with light, black jikatabi and elbow-high black gloves. He carries a belt with a few paper bombs, kunai, shuriken (standard shinobi stuff) when on a mission/in combat. Usually he wears pretty much the same outfit, minus the belt, gloves, and face/neck cloth.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Height[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]5'8/1.74 m.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Weight[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]114 lbs./52 kg.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Build[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Daiki is lean and muscular, and has great stamina for running and somewhat decent physical strength. Even with his physical endurance and strength, he's not built for hand-to-hand combat at all, simply because Daiki has terrible resistance to being hit and his hits aren't really "K.O" material since he never really enjoyed punching and kicking things at all. All things considered, Daiki's speed is probably his greatest asset, considering he's quite fast (not "light-speed" or anything) and has the stamina to keep going for a long time.[/i][/indent][/indent] [center][color=red][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=red][h2][i]Psych. reports[/i][/h2] [sub]Medical secrecy applies.[/sub][/color][/center] [center][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Driven[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Holds a grudge[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Violent[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Calculated[/i][/b] ❖[/color][/center] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Personality[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Daiki is a bit of a complicated guy, certainly someone who you would expect to be part of the Jiyutai. He has a very driven character, and refuses to give up or to do something he doesn't want to do. His drive goes far enough towards where it's easy to mistake him for a stubborn teenager at times. This is especially true when it comes to Daiki and his family, who would always try and keep a conservative attitude towards life and try to impart this form of thinking into Daiki, who would simply refuse to go along. This disposition would create a lot of problems in his family, eventually leading him to simply run away from home and live on his own. It is through his drive that Daiki would be able to survive and eventually become a shinobi. Daiki also has a relatively big issue when it comes to teams and missions, since he holds a grudge on anyone. He isn't necessarily the kind of person who will just fight everyone who insults him, but he will remember said insult. There have been a few times where this has put a mission in jeopardy either by Daiki refusing to help someone who attacked him or wanting to kill a target that the Confederation needs alive. This hasn't stopped him, though, since he does have a valuable asset, which is that he is calculated. Even when he lets his anger get the best of him, Daiki manages to do it in a very well thought-out way. This type of nature is the reason why Daiki is still alive and well today. Despite what he looks like, Daiki is actually an open person, not really a "class clown" type of guy or a super social person, but he does enjoy talking to people and making friends when he gets the chance to. He is also very enthusiastic about missions and killing targets, which leads some people to think that he's a psychopath, which is a rather inconclusive assumption, considering he doesn't so much enjoy killing people but he has his "moments". It's usually during these moments where Daiki is a dangerous person, which is why his original sensei's expertise is genjutsu (to keep Daiki under control). Also, it's best to stay away when this happens since he becomes very short-tempered and is prone to attack people who rub him the wrong way. Daiki's violent nature isn't just limited to his "moments", as he's always usually a very violent person, but when he's not having his moment, he knows how to control his violence, which is why some may think he's not naturally violent. Not only is he violent but he also has a very aggressive disposition towards anyone who may be threatening or attacking him. He usually likes the people that are his peers, but when he doesn't like someone it'll show because he's just quiet towards those people. It should also be noted that Daiki is somewhat impulsive when it comes to non-combat/mission related situations.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]History[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i][u]Childhood[/u] Daiki was born in Sunegakure around five years prior to the Confederation's rise to power. He lived a relatively quiet life with his parents and older brother, Takeshi, for a good portion of his childhood. Daiki always fought with his parents, though, since they would always try to control him and his thoughts by instilling their own into him. This was a big reason why Daiki hated his home during his childhood, but he never ran away because he had Takeshi with him to comfort and help Daiki through his troubles. His brother was much older than him (15 years old) and was always talking about how he would one day become a leader for this world and lead everyone to a better future. Even though Daiki always found his brother's dreams stupid, they gave him some sort of purpose in life: to help his brother achieve his dreams. He would do this by always following his brother around and getting involved in fights he had no place fighting in, which would get him hurt and very in trouble with his parents. Surprisingly to Daiki, though, while his brother did get mad at him, Takeshi never tried to stop Daiki and would always encourage him to pursue whatever it was that he wanted to in life. When Daiki turned three and his parents began educating him, his brother would always go with him even though he didn't need to, and help Daiki whenever he got stumped on certain studies. When Daiki turned five, the Confederation took over Amegakure and the rest of the provinces around the village, including Sunagakure. It was this event that would change his life forever and finally make him snap. Takeshi was the first in line to join the Confederations ranks, becoming a chunin and joining a squad that would overlook Sunagakure. Sadly, however, Takeshi's squad was only one of a few since the Confederation had no real interests in the desert wasteland that was the Suna province, leaving the village more exposed to bandits or rogue shinobi. One such event occurred mere weeks before Daiki's sixth birthday, when Takeshi was guarding the area around the house. Daiki had full confidence in his brother's ability to protect him, and his stories of missions made him want to join the Confederation as soon as he came of age, but fate didn't agree with poor Daiki on this. It was nighttime and Takeshi had told his parents of the presence of unidentified shinobi in the area, prompting Daiki's family to hide in the basement while Takeshi stood guard with a member of his squad. It turns out that those shinobi mysteriously vanished, leading Takeshi and his friend to enter Daiki's home and tell them that it was safe; sadly for him, the higher-ups of the Confederation didn't know this yet and, when a jonin task force entered the home, they saw Takeshi and his partner as threats, unloading vicious attacks on them until they died. By the time they realized that they had just killed Confederation chunin, it was too late. It was that event which left Daiki's eye so badly scarred for the rest of his life. In classic government fashion, the Confederation refused to accept responsibility for Takeshi's death. That wasn't what made Daiki angry, though, it was the fact that his parents acted like nothing happened at all and still fully supported the jonin squad's decision, they even refused to speak about Takeshi's death at all up until Daiki turned six and ran away from home. For close to a year, Daiki lived on the streets, carrying merchandise around for merchants in exchange for payment. [u]Academy[/u] A month or so before Daiki turned seven, he decided to join an Academy to learn to become a shinobi so he could accomplish his new dream of being the strongest shinobi in the world. This new dream sprung from the fact that he didn't want to lose someone he cared about ever again and being strong would allow him to protect those around him. The Academy Daiki joined was controlled by the Confederation, which irritated him immensely but he chose to just go with it because that was the only way to become a shinobi available to him. Daiki, much to his surprise, ended up loving the Academy like a new home where he met a lot of good people which he could call friends; you see, while never being the most popular kid around, Daiki always managed to make friends with people that he wanted to make friends with and he relished the opportunity to do so. While there, Daiki learned a lot of valuable traits about fighting, analyzing, and coordinating within a squad of shinobi. Much to his instructor's dismay, Daiki never really liked fighting hand-to-hand and preferred to use long range attacks and weapons to fight, arguing that a weapon is much stronger than a fist and much more effective in killing someone. During this phase at the Academy, Daiki continued to do his work for merchants around the village: transporting goods around, advertising, etc. which allowed him to earn working experience and got him strength and social skills as well, rounding him out as a person quite nicely. It was during this line of work that Daiki found himself a nice katana while loading goods into a vehicle; the blade belonged to the merchant but Daiki didn't exactly like the man, but he liked the sword, prompting him to take it after receiving payment. As the boy grew closer to 12 years old, the prospect of becoming a genin was upon him, which meant that soon he'd become a true shinobi. When Daiki turned 11, he chose to stay away from working, as he had already made a decent sum of money in the previous five years, to train and study as much as he could to pass the exam and become a genin. As his studies moved along, his progress became more noticeable as he was able to perform shuriken and clone exercises more easily than before. About three months before he turned 12, Daiki was somewhere around the desert training, when he was approached by a middle-aged merchant who seemed to have intrigue in the child. Daiki was very suspicious of the man and even told him that he wasn't doing work at that time, but the man didn't have an interest in work, instead he took Daiki's shuriken and performed the exercise flawlessly without any effort. This really took Daiki by surprise, prompting him to ask the man if he could help with training, to which he agreed. After that session, the man questioned Daiki about his family and where he lived, to which Daiki replied by telling the man that he had no family and lived on his own. The man, named Akira, proposed that Daiki live with him until he comes of age, which the boy accepted happily without even stopping to think what could be going on. It turned out that Akira was actually a shinobi himself, a jonin to be exact, who had carried out many missions on behalf of the Confederacy, but retired when he lost his sons in a fight around Konohagakure a year before. While it bothered Daiki that this man used to be part of the Confederation, he decided to remain simply to gain the bets training possible from an experienced shinobi to pass the genin exam. To make sure to reciprocate the training he was receiving, Daiki began helping Akira with his merchandise. [u]Genin[/u] When Daiki turned 12, he showed up at the Academy to take his genin exam, which he passed with flying colors, officially becoming a shinobi. Despite his reservations towards Akira, Daiki continued to live with him and help him with his work to the point where he began to consider Akira a new father for him. In the new school for shinobi, Daiki realized that many of his good friends from the Academy were sent to different groups as him, which didn't bother him too much as he met new friends there. There was something different about the new school since everything led up to the fights at the chunin exams, and there was a new feel of competitiveness among all of the young genin there. As he went through he process of becoming a chunin, Daiki had a girlfriend or two, but never anything serious. As mentioned, the new environment was competitive, and not just in terms of being a shinobi; boys would often find it annoying that Daiki wasn't socially inept like them, so they decided that the only way to solve their shortcomings was to attack Daiki. It started off as snickering and petty insults, but it soon developed into actual fighting, at which Daiki wasn't exactly the best at. Every time he'd go home with a black eye or something until he decided that he'd had enough of them. While he had knowledge of offensive jutsu, Daiki couldn't fight five people at a time on his own, so he asked Akira for more training. This new training was harder and more rigorous than what he'd been used to, and it caused him a few injuries. The reason for this was that Akira was training Daiki in Fire Release, which Daiki had little knowledge of, causing him to burn himself whenever he couldn't control his chakra properly. This hindered his performance in the earlier missions that he undertook with his squad, but it paid off later on in Daiki's genin missions. Daiki would begin to regularly over perform in missions for about a year prior to the chunin exams, earning him something of a reputation as a favorite to become a chunin. Once the exams rolled around, Daiki was 100% ready to win and progress in his journey as a shinobi, not only that but he also got to exact revenge on a few of the boys that bothered him. Daiki breezed through the early stages of the exams, making it to quarterfinals rather handily. At quarterfinals, Daiki faced his first real challenge, a puppet user who had a surprising amount of puppets on him. He managed to hit Daiki more than a few times, but sadly for him his puppets all burned away thanks to all of that Fire Release Training that Daiki undertook with Akira. At semifinals Daiki came dangerously close to losing to a genjutsu user, but it turned out that his greatest weapon would also become Daiki's greatest weapon. Daiki's opponent made Daiki see an illusion of what he feared most, which at the time was the memory of his brother's death. This triggered the first of many insanity moments within Daiki, driving him to burn the other kid so badly that the referee had to stop the match without Daiki's opponent surrendering or getting knocked out. The finals were surprisingly easy for Daiki, as his opponent was a Wind Release user who only empowered Daiki's attacks, making it virtually impossible for Daiki to lose. [u]Chunin[/u] Once Daiki became a chunin, he began entertaining the idea of disappearing and joining the Jiyutai, the only thing stopping him being fear that the Confederation would hurt Akira if he did. For a time, at least, Daiki chose to simply remain with the Confederation and carry out various missions for them with his squad. It was around this time that Daiki bought his signature outfit and began learning to use his sword until he was finally able to take it with him on missions. Throughout the following five months, Daiki helped kill high-priority targets and steal plans from the rebels, but he was noticeably not enjoying what he was doing. Akira took notice of this and had a long talk with Daiki, convincing him that it was better to live life how he wanted than to live based on the needs of others. After this, Daiki decided that it was time to leave behind everything he had, especially the Confederacy. He said goodbye to Akira but not to his friends, so as to avoid getting caught the Confederacy higher-ups and killed. He left Sunagakure and ventured away to join up with the Jiyutai rebels. This was his chance to get revenge for his brother. [/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Familial ties[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Daiki's connections with his biological family are destroyed entirely (except for the blood ties) ever since his escape from their home. Now his family is his adoptive father, who is very caring yet strict when it comes to Daiki, however, he never tries to control Daiki or the decisions he makes. They both have a stable and loving father/son relationship, especially because of the help Daiki would provide to him in his earlier years. Akira Kyo | Adoptive Father | 53, Sunagakure, Merchant. Was a former fighter for the Confederation [/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Dreams, short term goals, and fears.[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Daiki has no special dream of becoming hokage of any place or the next ruler at Amegakure, but he does have a very clear dream to become the strongest shinobi in the world, so as to replicate the strength seen by previous heroes in history. He also wishes to have a family at some point. On the more short term, Daiki simply wants to complete as many missions as he can successfully and eventually become a jonin, as well as learning some more advanced jutsu so that he can be well on his way to being the strongest shinobi. His fears are too normal, considering he doesn't have much of a family and has no real care for his village. His biggest fear would have to be losing his adoptive father, as it would crush him and almost certainly drive him to have more, or even indefinite moments of insanity. Another big fear of his is that one day he has a "moment" and kills his entire team. Beyond those two fears there are pretty generic fears like fear of failure, fear of loss, etc. but nothing as powerful as the ones already mentioned.[/i][/indent][/indent] [center][color=red][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=red][h2][i]Combat reports[/i][/h2] [sub]Gathered based on exercises, training routines, and combat experience reports[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Combat style[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [b] [i]Kekkei Genkai[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][color=red][i][b]❖ Name[/b][/i][/color] [indent]Fire Form[/indent] [color=red][i][b]❖ Description[/b][/i][/color] [indent]This ability allows the user to essentially become coated in a flurry of flames, and gain some sepecial abilities while in this form. There are those who can produce the fire in some parts of their body or even mix it with other jutsu to make it stronger.[/indent] [color=red][i][b]❖ Strengths[/b][/i][/color] [indent]The jutsu makes the user impervious to most physical attacks and even a good number of projectile and close combat jutsu. It also makes it harder for sharingan users to cast genjutsu on them since the fire has chakra in it, masking the user's chakra from less perceptive eyes. It also allows the user to use slightly empowered Fire Release jutsu. Lastly it increases the user's speed while active.[/indent] [color=red][i][b]❖ Weaknesses[/b][/i][/color] [indent]While the user is mostly impervious to physical attacks, there are chinks in the armor; weak spots where the chakra is weaker than in the rest of it, especially with weaker users, and a good hit there would certainly collapse the armor and cause serious burns (even death) to the user. It also requires chakra so if the chakra runs out the fire will fall onto the user and leave the user injured and without means to defend him/herself. Concentration is also required, so breaking the concentration with genjutsu or a well-timed explosive/hit would break said concentration, again, collapsing the armor in on the user.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [i][b]Ninja techniques[/b][/i][/color] [indent][color=red][i]■ [b]A rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Demon_Lantern]Fire Release: Demon Lantern[/url] [color=red][i]■ [b]B rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Dragon_Fire_Technique]Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Clone_Technique]Shadow Clone Jutsu[/url] [color=red][i]■ [b]C rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Phoenix_Sage_Fire_Technique]Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Gale_Palm]Wind Release: Gale Palm[/url] [color=red][i]■ [b]D rank techniques[/b][/i][/color] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Manipulated_Shuriken_Technique]Manipulated Shuriken Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Temporary_Paralysis_Technique]Temporary Paralysis Jutsu[/url][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [i][b]Custom techniques[/b][/i][/color] [indent][color=red][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Wind Release: Crushing Gale[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] B[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Medium[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Description[/i][/color] The user claps his/her palms together to create one charge of wind in each hand, focusing a lot of chakra in each hand. The user can then release said chakra by essentially punching the air towards the target, creating a powerful gale of wind which lays waste to anything in its path, including enemies. The skill, however, isn't as fast as some others and can be dodged if the enemy catches wind of it before it strikes. Because it uses up a lot of chakra, a one-handed variation can be used to save chakra. [color=red][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Fire Release: Scorching Blade[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] C[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Short[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Description[/i][/color] The user channels chakra towards either hand to create a flaming sword which, while not able to instantly incinerate anything it touches, it is able to scorch and leave nasty burns on any target hit. The user can choose to dual wield this jutsu with a regular sword to combine slicing power with scorching power[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=red]❖ [i][b]Weaponry and tools[/b][/i][/color] [indent][color=red][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Night's Edge[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Weapon/tool type[/i][/color] Katana[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Short[/indent] [indent][color=red][i]■ Description[/i][/color] It's a katana which Daiki may or may not have stolen from one of his previous employers out of spite. There is nothing special about the blade at first glance, but after lots of use one may realize that the blade doesn't blunt for some odd reason. It's mostly used to kill targets when Daiki runs out of other options or it can be used with his kekkei genkai to add extra damage to each slice.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] It took about 26 hours longer than I expected due to issues and interruptions, but it's finally here. :) PS: Since I am quite tired at the moment I may have missed a few spelling mistakes when proofreading it.