[hider=Edward Harth] [center][h3]Edward Harth[/h3][/center] [center][h3][sup][sup]Male | 23 | 5'11 | 170[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]American | Writer[/sup][/sup][/h3][/center] [sub][h2]Profile[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent][b]Appearance[/b]: With thick black hair worn down and unkempt, Edward certainly has the appearance of 'boyish.' His earth brown eyes and youthful face give him a trustworthy look about him. He tends to wear long, sturdy trousers and shoes of similar make, with plain shirts and a green (flannel on the inside) jacket when its cold out. All in all he's quite unremarkable looking. Fair skin, long legs and a slim build, with a bit of definition in his muscles from working for his father are the only other real distinguishing parts about him, other than his uplifting smile. [b]Background[/b]: Born almost a year after World War Two ended, on August 2nd, 1946 to James and Cammy Harth in Montana. James was an infantryman deployed in Europe during the war, having left his job at the steel mill for 3 years before returning, only to find his wife now having taken a job there as well. They soon found out they needed to work double time in order to provide for themselves, because they were about to get a baby boy. Edward Harth grew up in a working class family. With both parents at their jobs and he alone until supper time for many years, he learned to appreciate books in his spare time, finding himself more and more enamored by the written word. In fact it would be safe to say that since age 8, he had read 3 hours a day until age 21, when he decided he did not want to only read, but create a story himself. Unfortunately, there were many factors in his way. By age 16, he had left school to work at the mill with his father. His mother had stopped working there in order to take care of Edward's younger brothers, Shaun and Miles. Time was against him from his work and family time, as was his father in general. James Harth did nothing to discourage his habits of reading, but firmly discouraged any way to make a living that wasn't hard work with his hands. Edward had once seen his father as a hero from his war stories and hard work ethic, but slowly a rift had begun to form between them. They had used to go camping out in Wyoming for days on end, if his father and he ever had enough time off. For a year or two, they would take Edward's little brothers as well, making their own campsite and catching their own dinner. James enjoyed it for the work involved, but Edward enjoyed it for the meaning behind it. He felt like he was a pioneer or an adventurer in one of the many stories he would read. By age 22, Edward had gotten his own apartment down the street and a small amount of space to write a novel. However, even with all of his research and various readings, and his newfound space, he knew he couldn't quite grasp the wonders of the wider world without experiencing them for himself. He knew it was ludicrous, and downright insane as far as his family was concerned, but explorers had faced greater odds before and triumphed. He decided to save up for a year and go on a trip around the world. Unfortunately, his mother began wondering why he had shown up more and more over at their place to eat dinner, and subsequently pried it out of him that he needed to save money for a trip. With her worried sick and his father now against it, by the time it came for the flight, Edward was running away more than going off to explore. His first layover was in Anchorage... [b]Personality and Outlook[/b]:Edward is very curious of others and their experiences. While not nosy, expect him to ask people about themselves at least once or twice unless given a firm 'no." Contrary to that, he's often perceived as the quiet one, only opening up once he is curious or speaking about things he is passionate about (or spouting random facts that will help them in their current situation). Despite him not admitting this, he has a hard work ethic like his father and great respect to those who don't back down, so he tries not to, in turn. He enjoys reading, writing, and walking for hours on end lost in thought. He's not had much experience with the fairer sex, though that's more for him having no life by choice when he's out of work, and the rest of his hours spent [i]in[/i] work. He'd be shy when it comes to that sort of thing, though just like his normal day to day, he's often too lost in his books to even think about that. Introspective, idealist, and encouraging, Edward's a fine choice to get lost in the woods with! [/indent] [sub][h2]Capabilities[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent] [b]Skills[/b]: [list] [*][b]Stamina[/b]: Long hours at the Steel Mill has given him the strength and energy to go a long time at his peak exertion. [*][b]Knowledge[/b]: Having read most books under the sun, he'll know many random but relevant facts about various survival topics such as plant and animal life, how long it takes for a human body to freeze over, etc. [*][b]Steady Hands[/b]: Working with steel and molten lead has gotten him used to being able to hold things properly and good hand eye coordination. [/list] [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [list] [*][b]Lack of Experience[/b]: He knows how to camp and survive a few days, but it's a small step compared to crashing in the boreal tundra. He'll need some time to adjust fully to their situation. [*][b]Idealism[/b]: After he has time to adjust, his idealism will kick in and give him confidence, but it will also, in turn, make him miscalculate and become susceptible to pay less attention to his surroundings if he isn't too busy trying to be like one of the heroes of old. [*][b]Regret[/b]: He's bogged down by regret for leaving his parents and family on a bad note, and will haunt his conscience at night, perhaps depriving him of some needed sleep. [*][b]Asthma[/b]: Will sometimes have difficulty breathing. [/list] [/indent] [sub][h2]Inventory[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [list] [*]2 pounds of Beef Jerky [*]3 pairs of pants, 4 pairs of socks, 3 shirts, 1 jacket. [*]Hair brush (though he hardly uses it, preferring to air dry and use his hands) [*]Journal and Pen [*]The odyssey [/list] [sub][h2]Opinions[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent][sub]To be completed following selection.[/sub][/indent] [/hider]