The pain through the force had hit like a wave, almost simultaneously assaulting the padawan with the sounds of blasters and shouts. The tall, slender Vahla had been in a time of private, quiet study in a more secluded corner of the archives while she waited for her master to meet her. She would look at the process of the telekinetic mastery skill practice and then once again try and successfully move the stone ball in a spiral up to the rim of the bowl without causing it to tip or allow the ball to slide and then fail... again. When the commotion started and the pain hit, she had nearly shattered the bowl and the holocron she had been using for her research. She was on her feet in an instant, as she threw her things in to a small bag at her hip. Something was horribly horribly wrong. Keilara began running through the rows of archives, drawing closer to the sound of blaster fire and screams as she rushed for the main area of the library. She could feel the death now and the fear. She never stopped moving, though her hand found it's way to the lightsaber at her thigh and she began to reach out with the force in search of her master's presence. Stretching her mind to the limit, she finally felt his presence and called out to him with her thoughts, [i]Master! Master, what is going o-[/i] Her frantic thoughts were cut short as the familiar presence seemed to blink out of existence. A cold shock of fear flowed through her body. She had to know what was wrong. She had to find one of the knights or masters. The red-haired padawan did not have to wonder much longer, as a strong feeling to react and move had her swiftly taking cover behind a set of shelves before she had even seen the clone that fired at her. The blaster bolt narrowly missed her head and burned through the wall behind her. [i]Not good, not good, not good! I'm beginning to think my people were nomads for a reason. OhVahl! Why are the clones attacking us here?! Now I really really should find someone.[/i] Thoughts running faster than an angry Krayt Dragon could snap, Keilara ignited her lightsaber and snapped up, managing to deflect another blaster bolt as she turned to run. She extended her sense in the force again, looking for any presence near by that would represent one of the Jedi Knights or Masters. She managed to find what she thought were two Knights moving quickly toward the training rooms. The distraction was somewhat costly, however. A searing pain shot through her side and up her back from a shot she could not detect while looking for help. The wound just above her hip was near impossible to ignore, though she tried her hardest. She had to buy herself a little more time. Turning to face the pair of clones trying to kill her, she gathered the force as best she could and used it to slam them back as hard as she could. It wouldn't do much damage, but it would help her flee in the direction of the closest presences she sensed, and flee Keila did. Clutching her side with the hand closest and the other wielding her lightsaber, now dormant but at the ready, she ran the quickest paths she knew to the corridor she had sensed them on and hoped to the Force and any god anywhere that might exist that she hadn't just made a huge mistake. The pair came in to sight just as one caught up to the other. The one waiting, to her relief, appeared to be a Temple Guard. Breathless, frightened, and in pain, Keilara tried to call out, but her weakened voice was lost to the distance between. The Vahla reached out to the presences just ahead in the distance with her mind. She had never been so grateful her master had encouraged her learning of telepathy through the force. [i]"Please! Please, wait for me, too!"[/i]