[hr][hr][color=#cc66ff][center][h1]Tryke Lockley[/h1][/center][/color][hr][center]Location: MoR[/center][hr][hr]Tryke's eyes swept across the MoR, once again focusing in on the blood. It continued to puzzle her to no end, the acts the T-1 was performing thus far. There had to be some sort of endgame to it, but for the life of her, Tryke couldn't figure it out. It terrified her how nice the T-1 was acting, how caring and considering she was. It wasn't the norm, it wasn't logical, it wasn't the way things were. It was a tried and true equation being proven false. It was science proving to be a lie. It was magic and myth coming to life. The very antithesis of everything Tryke believed in had been presented to her. With experiments, new processes and discoveries were born, yet the rules of logic always applied. A world without logic was her hell--and to her, this was only the beginning. "So how bad is the damage and how long do you think it will take to get everything back in running order?" Craig asked, snapping Tryke out of her thoughts. She laughed a bit, glancing at the incoming reports herself. Every minute, more arrived. Some of them she suspected were repairs people had been too lazy to file, and now with the onslaught of urgent ones, decided to put them in as well. Her crew was stretched thin as it was, with each available hand working constantly towards fixing the issues. [color=cc66ff]"It might be easier to tell you what isn't broken,"[/color] Tryke admitted with a shrug. [color=cc66ff]"I've only got a finite crew, and the reports keep on coming in. We'd have to work constantly for four days at this rate to fix a [i]majority[/i] of the problems, prioritizing the vital functions of the tower...."[/color] Her thoughts drifted off. There were plenty of talents on the tower, and with a bit of a crash course, perhaps they could be trained to do some of the more simple repairs. It wasn't GTC protocol by any means, but it would speed up the process. She could have them do simple repairs, such as those on level twenty. She couldn't care less whether or not all of the rec functions were able to perform. [color=cc66ff]"If I had more people, we could expedite the process,"[/color] Tryke continued. [color=cc66ff]"As it is, we're lucky there's only minor damage to the power supply and generators. The damage only gets pretty serious around level 26."[/color] Her eyes darted towards where the T-1's blood had been. The girl was incredibly lucky that the infirmary hadn't taken a major hit, and that by some miracle, the main elevator was working. She suspected that the cables would need to be looked at, due to the stress, they likely would break at any moment. Returning her gaze towards Craig, Tryke shifted awkwardly. [color=cc66ff]"We're bringing up the replacement front portal now,"[/color] Tryke added, her team having sent a brief confirmation message up to her. [color=cc66ff]"That, at least, is a relatively quick fix."[/color]