[hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Kristina Smith[/h1][/color] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/1342b0d7e7b9c086e032b3084cbffcd9/tumblr_inline_mxd8c4VOKS1str557.gif[/img] [i]Location: Newnan Infirmary. [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina stood there over her sister's body for a moment as she looked around as she saw the other people of Newnan carrying and dragging and carrying bodies behind the courthouse, most of them were of course were the Walkers and the people that had attacked the settlement. Kristina decided to go for a little walk alone by herself. Kristina made her way back towards the main street she watched as James Grady, the bat lady and Zoie were all gathering and getting ready to go out and distract the Walkers outside and draw them further away from Newnan. She heard Ashton's radio going off, mentioning someone by the name of Alicia, she didn't know who this person was but then again she didn't know anyone at all in this group. Kristina eyed the two women in armor again as the two of them talked to one another, she watched the truck drive off towards the gate and Ashton heading there as well. She thought for a moment to head over there and see what was up, but decided against it, Kristina looked over seeing the door open and saw Dick there and glared at him then one of the women headed over to talk with him. Kristina wanted to punch him one more time, but knew that she would most likely get in trouble with that. She sighed softly as she quickly jumped to hear an explosion out in the distance. And then Kristina saw Ashton coming back his expression completely changed she silently watched him making his way towards the Buster and climbing into the cab and shutting the door behind him. Kris decided to head into the Infirmary to see if she could be of any use to anyone there, she silently followed behind Richard and Astrid as she stood outside of the infirmary. Kris watched as Froggy was flipping his shit at the new girl and the Miss Captain Hook soon to be, and then she watched Richard pretty much socking the redhead in the face and knocking her down onto the ground. Either Dick was really pissed or just annoyed either way she didn't like him hitting a woman. [color=cyan]"Wow hitting a woman already Dick Face very low for you."[/color] Kristina said glaring at him. Kristina watched Astrid going to grab some zip ties and handcuff and gag the woman, she looked at them both with slight irritation maybe Niesha deserved it or not she wasn't sure. Kristina walked and sat down at the other end of the infirmary.