[center] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DnkLo7H4Vag/Te1ItTd0-VI/AAAAAAAAAZQ/L0-miCleVxc/s1600/Long+wavy+windswept+beautiful+red+hair.jpg[/img] [color=bc8dbf]Name:[/color] Penelope Le Faye [u][color=bc8dbf]Age:[/color][/u] 14 [color=bc8dbf][u]Parents:[/u][/color] Erin le Faye Hades [color=bc8dbf][u]Personality [/u][/color] She’s a little bit dark in her outlook on life - not a pessimist, but more realistic in the bleaker aspects of life. Growing up picked on by other kids more for the fact she lived next to a cemetery than her ‘peculiar’ nature of finding beauty in death, she has a little bit of a chip on her shoulder and didn’t actively seek socialization with other kids for quite some time. Communicating with others comes at a bit of difficulty for her because of this, and tends to make her a little hostile upon first approach. She prefers to be alone with Shadow, but will - reluctantly - work with others when the need arises. In such cases, although she may not be happy about working with others, she does work well with them and follows directions easily, even offering advice depending on the situation. She is quick thinking, though not always the best ideas. It’s more working on instinct over actual planning, but it kept her alive thus far. If given the chance, she does prefer to sit back and study a situation to figure out her best tactic; doing so helps prevent her from going with her gut reaction to assume the worst and react hostilely. Getting a sarcastic or snippy response tends to be the best reaction she tends to give nine times out of ten. [hider=Extremely Long History:] Born to a young widow, Penelope was always told she was the most special gift her mother ever received and that her father was a powerful man in a distant place. Although they lived with her mother’s brother in his shack next to the cemetery he tended, she never felt lonely. Looking out at those graves always brought her a bit of peace, even after the kids at school called her strange and bullied her for where she lived and the rumors that she helped her uncle dig the graves (which she did actually do via her abilities). Her mother kept telling her it was because they were jealous of how special she was and that one day her father would prove to her she was special. Then war came, and her uncle left to fight. Her mother worked tirelessly to keep everything in order and provide for her child - working her seamstress job and tending the cemetery to cover for the absent caretaker. She did what she could to help, still doing the ‘heavy lifting’ of dealing with the graves. That was when Penelope finally started asking why her father never sent presents or money to help her mother if he was such a powerful man. Her first present arrived - a stygian iron dagger with an onyx crystal in the hilt - appeared on her doorstep the morning of her twelfth birthday simply stating “For Penelope”. The second present came on her thirteenth birthday - a puppy her mother swore was a rottweiler - with a note saying “To help protect you from the dangers of the world.” It was shortly after that when a man appeared at their doorstep. Penelope didn’t know who he was, but he warned her mother it was not safe for her anymore. He offered to take them both to his kingdom and keep them safe, but her mother refused - promising to make sure Penelope was safely away instead. A week later, her mother kissed her goodbye and sent her off into the Lotus Hotel. She remained there as time passed, and only finally left a few months ago when someone claiming to be her mother came to get her. It wasn’t until she was outside the hotel and trying to understand why the city was so different that she realized this person wasn’t her mother; following her first instinct, she reacted to the perceived threat and ran. This only caused more trouble, as she not only tried to figure out why everything was so different - cars looked nothing like they had when she first went in - when she ran right into a pair of gorgons. If it hadn’t been for Shadow, and a pack of other similar dogs that seemed to come out of nowhere, she would have surely died. Nothing made sense, and her panic over everything made her expect danger at every turn. So when a satyr found her learning that she had missed the better part of a century, she assumed he was there to attack. Shadow would have attacked if it hadn’t been for another monster attack, during which the satyr proved to be more ally than threat in helping take care of the threat. With that sorted out, though her not feeling any warmer toward the satyr mostly due to the whole overwhelming nature of the new situation, she reluctantly decided to follow him back to camp. It wasn’t an easy journey, but it helped her gain a bit better sense of her own strengths and limitations. As well as making one of her only friends in this century.[/hider] She’s only been at camp for one month at this point.[/center] [u][color=bc8dbf]Specialties/Talents:[/color][/u] [list][*]She has control over shadows, mostly enough to make them darker or longer or move in odd ways at this time. She hasn’t played with this ability in a while, and before she started playing with it at home it was (and still is) reactive to her moods. The darker her mood, the more likely the shadows are to shift and try to encompass her (or the person causing her to be angry.) With practice, she’ll be able to manipulate it into solidified forms of shadows to use as weapons or shields.[list] [*]She has only a small experience with Shadow Travel, and it leaves her completely exhausted when she attempts it. [*]A shadow perpetually follows her.[/list] [*]Although she has no necromantic abilities, she is able to at least subconsciously ward off baleful spirits only outward of a twenty foot radius from her. [*]As a child of Hades, she has a sensitivity to death and can sense if someone she has personal knowledge of (i.e. loved one or close friend) has died; if she has personal knowledge of a particular soul (such as a close friend or loved one) she can even locate that person in the Underworld if they are both in the Underworld at the same time. Both parts of this take a lot of concentration. [*]She can control hellhounds and communicate with them. Eventually she'll be able to summon them at will, but for now they must be in the area to respond to her. (So, mostly just Shadow.) [*]As a geokinesis user, she will be able to manipulate the earth by creating pits/fissures, creating walls/pillars of rocks, reshaping tunnels/rock and stone doors to meet her needs or even sealing them, and even manipulate the stone/rock to be as tough as the black walls of the underworld. Currently, she's only able to "dig holes". [/list] [center][u][color=bc8dbf]Other:[/color][/u] She has a hell hound named Shadow that is roughly the size of a springer spaniel; she knows it’s a puppy and believes what she was told - that it is a rottweiler (she had never seen a real rottweiler so she doesn’t know the difference.) She has a dagger, not magical aside from it being stygian iron, that she keeps in its sheath on her back. As her mother and uncle were born in Ireland and grew up - for a decent amount anyways - in Ireland, she picked up their accent and still maintains the softest Irish lilt, which does get a lot stronger when frustrated.[/center]