[@Alisdragon911] Kaiden looked up at her and gave her a warm smile. "I don't see why not." He gestured towards the chair across from him. [hr] [@Sapphire] [i]Hmm, she's better than I thought. [/i] Once he got the idea his innocent act wasn't working anymore, he decided to drop it. He could still avoid saying anything to to her about being evil. "Alright, you caught me. Name's Vile." He was itching to corrupt someone, but he guessed it wouldn't be Wylin. "And I'm sleeping in that bed over there." He pointed to the bed he chose with his stuff on it. [hr] Virgil finally found the room he was looking for. He held the key up to match the number to the one on the door. Both said room 15. Smiling and nodding, he used his key to unlock the door and entered the room. He looked at the two double beds. He chose the one on the right and set his stuff down on the bed. He moved some of the stuff over a little so he could lay down and relax on it for a bit. [hr] ((Got bored here so yeah)) On his way to room 20, he suddenly felt his strange cravings act up again. Alexander looked from side to side as if making sure no one was near him. Once he was sure no one was looking, he ran straight to the room before entering it and locking the door. He then quickly found a closet and hid in there. [hr]