[center][b]Vigil[/b][/center]  [b][i]Stay vigilant, lest they conquer. - Vigil mantra[/i][/b] [hider=Who is Vigil?]Vigil, once a prestigious group of supernatural beings with powers of almost unbelievable limits, had split apart, separated. Now, the members of Vigil are now either heroes, villains, even some of them trying to live their lives normally. Vigil no longer oversees the world, but watches their backs from their old comrades.[/hider] [b][i]"Do people need Vigil once again?"[/i][/b] The truth is, they do. An evil force is rising from the depths of Sherman Beach. Once a member of Vigil, this being has taken Sherman Beach as her land, her fortress. She is..[b]Oceania.[/b] Can Vigil stand against one of their own? Against the Ocean herself? Only you— and time— can tell. [b]Synopsis[/b] Vigil was a superhero group, who had watched the world and kept the peace. The group had broken apart due to unsettling differences, and had parted ways. As shown earlier, Oceania, once a member of Vigil, indeed, one of the founding members, is a daughter of Poseidon. She had always disliked humanity; she thought they used her and her inhabitants too greedily. She plans to take over the world, starting from the pseudo-city Sherman Beach in California. Only members of Vigil have the power to stop her. Anyone interested?