Ian trotted along the path on a borrowed horse, appearing as a human to anyone that didn't know better, with his ears furled under his hood and a cape concealing his tail. His twin shields were strapped on either side of the beast acting like armor and sticking up far enough to make it difficult to shoot or knock him off, his axe on his hip, and a crossbow with a quiver of bolts on his back, the quiver situated just above his tail under the cape. He hadn't been able to meet up with the party initially and was now following their trail into the forest to catch up with them. when he started getting into heavier forest he stopped his horse and reached down to unstrap one of the shields, sending it clattering on the ground and startling the horse. A reassuring pet a murmuring of "easy, easy" later and he was able to take his other shield and dismount, sending the horse to find it's own way back and continuing of foot after picking up his first shield. He didn't have to go far from there to meet up with Fanilly's group where they had been ambushed, getting there just barely in time to hear her plan. Now, still being fairly new to the order he didn't actually know who anyone was besides the captain and rather than make an ordeal of finding out who everyone was he just walked up to Fanilly, aiming to be a part of her group. "Fanilly" he used her name not out of disrespect but with a casual and friendly tone, a smile even revealing itself as he pulled down his mask "Ian Vanafir, don't think we've actually met in any capacity before, sorry for my delayed arrival" as he spoke his ears poked up, pushing his hood back as they stood, and his tail's swaying occasionally made it visibly around his cape "I hope you don't mind if I follow you in the attack" His grip shifted on his shields as he glanced across the rest of the company, they were going to attack soon so introductions would have to wait till after, or during, the battle.