R'ihanna was a crap shot, this Keegan learned the hard way. Since stepping off into a boot full of cold water, Keegan couldn't frown any harder at the horde of men trying to kill him, for no apparent reason. The first reaction was to run inland, but one could only go far out from the only light source. He then put his staff in hand and sent out a lightning, narrowly missing an armiger's helmet and forcing the Dunmer to duck. Keegan followed up with a quick paralysis spell, which found bonemold shin guard before collapsing the armiger to his knees. Wait, what was that screech? Something sharp bit into Keegan's left bicep. He screamed like never before, because it was pain like never before. It hurt, it bled, it was so intense that Keegan didn't see an armored elbow to his face. He fell, looking to an armiger that might or might not have been the same person he immobilized, Keegan tried in vain to roll, only getting intensified pain against his arm. He caught a glimpse of the buried projectile; it looked like a crossbow bolt. Immediately after the view changed to a boot, but it never came down. Elsewhere, Trius watched his opponent cast shield and spear aside to unholster a long tonfa. The bonemold warrior spun his tonfa with ease, revealing sparks of electric enchantment around it. Trius narrowed his eyes and unsheathed his only weapon, the ceremonial, but still lethal, ebony blade. The tense stare held in between dissolved with a barrage of strikes from the armiger. Trius blocked and parried, but all he could do was retreat backwards. Taking a step back and dodging a savage swing aimed for his midsection, Trius pressed his attack. His feint got passed the tonfa, which allowed him a jab at the armiger. It was intercepted, but Trius already moved on with a pair of high/low strikes. To his surprise, his efforts ended in a weapon lock. Trius' strength gave out; he flew back with sparks buzzing. Looked like this was the end of Trius, a faceless warrior delivering shocking execution to a "traitor". That was not that case, however, as the armiger was flung back just as he poised to deliver the coup de grace. The shooter was not R'ihanna (the Khajiit couldn't hit the broad side of a barn), but rather, someone in black and red shrouded leather. This slightly feminine figure walked into the scene with another similarly masked, mountain-sized male. Passing the oversized crossbow to her larger companion, the woman knelt down and helped Trius to his feet. Keegan's own savior came as a dagger-wielding man. The sound was a loud but somewhat pubescent battle cry somewhere behind. A pair of daggers followed suit, where they found openings between the armiger's helmet and collar. "Dansharr, go check the boat. I got this one covered!" The voice was teenage, its accent a cross between Imperial and Nordic. Dagger blades slickly ripped out of the armiger, while the dead man crumbled, Keegan saw a Khajiit tail moving toward shore. "Initiate Aretino, what are you doing!?" Shouted Trius' savior. She spoke with a Dunmeri accent, but it was clear that this woman, the leader of these assassins, were opponents to other dark elves. "Better not let your marks get away again!" She tipped her head at two armigers attempting to flee. The woman produced a miniature crossbow and lined up a quick head shot on one. Aretino dashed off after the other. [hr] The [i]Courtesan[/i] had landed when Aretino killed off his mark. The detachment of armigers was at half-strength, currently trying to reestablish formation and slowly backing away. La'Dansharr surprised her brother, Trius finished off an injured foe and Keegan was clutching his bloody arm, shouting for help and the sheer incompetence of R'ihanna. Though everyone on land stopped to stare at the [i]Courtesan[/i] beaching herself meters from where they were. Immediately a Dunmer fell from the ship and landed with a broken leg. "And there goes the enlightened priest of Azura, the dunce none other than Kattun." Dumhuvud announced to everyone else still on the ship. What happened was that Kattun saw R'ihanna in danger, took to fast-roping down the hull, lost grip and landed on his foot (breaking it). "Fontaine, Orakh; you two stay right here." Dumhuvud barked his orders. "The rest you, make sure you know how to climb before going down. There better not be more corpses; this damn mission report is long enough already."